Published: May 27, 2020

The Use of Brain Quiz Learning Media on Improving Learning Results and Physics Learning Motivation for Class X Students Impulse Momentum Materials

1 Nyai Suminten, Liszulfah Roza, Fakhri Abdullah Rosyid

The Development of Physics Modules Based on Integrated Concepts of Islamic Values on Particle Dynamics Material

6 Dewi Juita, Yusmaridi M, Alwis Alwis

The Effect of Quantum Learning Model Using Roulette Game on Physics Learning Outcomes

14 Tutumai Lestari, Yulia Rahmadhar, Feli Cianda Adrin Burhendi

Development of Learning Media in the Form of Value-Based Physics Pocket Book

20 Nenden Shalhah Nasiatul Atsiah, Imas Imas Ratna Ermawati, Wahyu Dian Laksanawati

The Effect of Quantum Learning Using Card Media on Physics Learning Outcomes

27 Muti Nur Awalia, Acep Kusdiwelirawan, Nyai Suminten

Efforts to Improve Physics Learning Outcomes By Using the Discovery Learning Model in Grade 12 MIPA

33 Ahmad Aldi, Tri Winarni, Ahmad Syarif

The Influence of MURDER (Mood Understand Recall Digest Expand Review) and STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions) Learning Models on Physics Learning Outcomes of Class XI High School Students in Terms of Self Regulated Learning

39 Vrisca Mega Arum Sari, Acep Kusdiwelirawan, Nyai Suminten