Writing should be submitted according to the following restrictions:

  • The manuscript should be written in English and be submitted online via the journal website. Online submission will be charged at no cost. An author must log in in order to make a submission.
  • Manuscripts content should be arranged in the following order: Title, Author(s) Name and Institutions, Abstract, Introduction, Method or Design, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment, and References.
  • Omega: Jurnal Fisika dan Pendidikan Fisika uses TeX/LaTeX typesetting system for its article writing (template can be downloaded here). Nevertheless, the author(s) can also use Word Processor (i.e. Microsoft Word (template can be downloaded here), OpenOffice Writer, or LibreOffice Writer). Please kindly the article is made similar to the pdf format in the template.
  • Graphics should be plotted by using scientific visualization software (i.e. pgfplot LaTeX, gnuplot, or similar).
  • Mathematical equations should be clearly written, numbered orderly, and accompanied with any information needed.
  • Citation and reference are written according to the Bibliography Management System with Bibtex. Citations numbering should be numbered in [1], [2], [3], ... format, according to appearance order.
  • The board is authorized to reject a manuscript based on peer reviewer advice and make necessary changes or adjustments related to language properties without altering the substance. Substance editing would be consulted with the corresponding author.