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The aim of this study. Developing learning media in the form of value-based physics pocketbooks in business and energy material, and knowing students' responses to the feasibility of learning media in the form of value-based Physics Pocket Books on Energy and Business material for grade X high school. The method used is Research and Development (R&D) concerning the steps of the ADDIE development model. The developed Pocket Book is on business and energy materials. The validation trial was conducted in two stages. The first stage was conducted at SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Jakarta, SMA Muhammadiyah 23 Jakarta, and SMA 51 Jakarta with 45 respondents, and the second stage was conducted at Muhammadiyah 4 Jakarta SMA Muhammadiyah 23 Jakarta SMA and SMAN 51 Jakarta with the number of respondents 254 class X students. The results of the first stage of the assessment are the validation test of media experts 82.6% (very good), the validation test of material experts 70.7% (good), the validation test by Islamic Religious Education teachers 81.3% (Very good), the media feasibility test small group 80.42% (good). The results of the second stage of assessment are the 87.8% media expert feasibility test (Very Good), 73.5% (good) material expert validation test, 84% validation test by Islamic Religious Teachers (very good), and the large group media feasibility test 84% (very good) good ). So, thus the interpretation of learning media that has been developed is a very good category and deserves to be used as learning media in the form of Value-based physics Pocket Book.


learning media, pocket book, values

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