Journal Template

Manuscript declaration Form

Article Types

Article Processing Charge (APC)

Corrections, Retractions, and Withdrawal

Manuscript Preparation

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines. Authors are required to submit 2 separate files consisting of a Manuscript declaration and an original manuscript without the identity of the author which has been prepared in accordance with this journal template. Please download the following template and adjust your text with the template. You could choose to use English or Indonesian templates. We have developed this tool for your convenience.

1. Download the Manuscript declaration Form 

2. Download the Template in English  or Indonesia


BIOEDUSCIENCE is a peer-reviewed journal publishing original research. Please see the journal's Aims & Scope for information about its focus, publishing ethics. and peer-review policy. This journal accepts manuscripts in Indonesian and English, but in the end, we only publish in English. All authors are required and subject to our rules before submitting a manuscript. The following are the conditions that the author can use so that the manuscript can be processed.


Type of the Manuscripts

Based on our policy, we accept the below article types during submission. Please read the instructions for each of the following types of manuscripts before you start your submission. 

Font and Paper

  • Font: Cambria
  • Paper Size: A4 (210 mm x 297 mm)
  • Space: single-line spaced
  • Margins: Left-Right: 1,25 cm, Top-Bottom: 2 cm


  • No more 16 words
  • Font Cambria, bold, 16pt, Left alignment, Capital letter for any proper nouns 


  • Font Cambria, size 9pt, one paragraph, single line spacing
  • A Structured abstract is required for the below article types:
  • An abstract of 150-250 words should be provided to state the reason for the study, the main findings, and the conclusions drawn from the observation.


  • Font Cambria, size 9pt, 3-6 keywords, Alphabetically
  • This should include the exact method or observation or experiment. If an apparatus is used, its manufacturer's name and address should be given in parenthesis.
  • For established methods reference is needed but for the new methods enough information is required, therefore, it can be used afterward.
  • Generic name, dose, and administration type are required for the used medications.
  • Statistical methods and general computer programs (software) must be mentioned.
  • The used Info system should be clearly noted.

Background & Objectives

  • Font Cambria, size 10pt, one column, single line spacing, Left Indent 4,5 cm
  • The background should summarize the purpose and the rationale for the study. It should neither review the subject extensively nor contain data or conclusions of the study. 
  • Objectives (research purpose): The author (s) should declare the objectives/aims of the study in the end paragraph of the manuscript.
  • This section could also provide the expected results.
  • The introduction comprises (1) a research problem; (2) insight and problem-solving planning; (3) a summary of theoretical studies and the results of the present study (state of the art), related to the observed problems (gap analysis), and (4) research purpose.


  • Font Cambria, size 10pt, one column, single line spacing, Left Indent 4,5 cm
  • This should include the exact method or observation or experiment. If an apparatus is used, its manufacturer's name and address should be given in parenthesis.
  • For established methods reference is needed but for the new methods enough information is required, therefore, it can be used afterward.
  • Generic name, dose, and administration type are required for the used medications.
  • Statistical methods and general computer programs (software) must be mentioned.
  • The used Info system should be clearly noted.
  • Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced.
  • Methods already published should be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications should be described.
  • Do not repeat the details of established methods.
  • The main materials must be written here: (1) research design; (2) samples or participants; (3) sample collection techniques; (4) instrumental development; and (5) data analysis techniques.


  • Font Cambria, size 10pt, one column, single line spacing, Left Indent 4,5 cm
  • It must be presented in the form of text, tables, and illustrations.
  • Text, tables, and illustrations must be cited in body text.
  • The contents of the tables should not be repeated in the text. Instead, a reference to the table number may be given.
  • Long articles may need sub-headings within some sections (especially the Results and Discussion parts) to clarify their contents.
  • The results of the study must be clearly concluded in answering the research questions. The discussion must: (1) answer the problem and research questions; (2) shows how the findings were obtained; (3) interpret the findings; (4) link findings with permanent knowledge structures.
  • Findings in the form of facts found in the field of research are integrated into previous research or present theories. This must be supported by reliable references.


  • Font Cambria, size 10pt, one column, single line spacing, Left Indent 4,5 cm
  • Discussion should emphasize the present findings and the variations or similarities with other related studies.
  • The detailed data should not be repeated in the discussion again.
  • It concentrates on the new and important aspects of the study and the achieved conclusions.
  • It must be mentioned that the initially considered hypothesis is true or false or no conclusions can be derived.


  • Font Cambria, size 10pt, one column, single line spacing, Left Indent 4,5 cm
  • Presenting the last word on the issues and summarizing thoughts and conveying the larger implications of the study, demonstrating the importance of ideas, and introducing possible new or expanded ways of thinking about the research problem.
  • One well-developed paragraph is sufficient for a conclusion, although in some cases, a two-or-three paragraph conclusion may be required.
  • This part provides the summary of results and discussion which refers to the research aims. Thus, the new principal ideas, which are an essential part of the research findings, are developed.
  • Conclusions should answer the objectives of the research.

Acknowledgments (optional)

  • Font Cambria, size 10pt, one column, single line spacing, Left Indent 4,5 cm
  • Acknowledge anyone who provided intellectual assistance, technical help (including with writing and editing), or special equipment or materials.
  • Use this section to provide information about funding by including specific grant numbers and titles.

Funding Information (if applicable)

  • Font Cambria, size 10pt, one column, single line spacing, Left Indent 4,5 cm
  • Should the research have received a funding grant then the grant provider and grant number should be detailed.

Competing interests

If any of the authors have any competing interests then these must be declared. A short paragraph should be placed before the references.  If there are no competing interests to declare then the following statement should be present: The author(s) has/have no competing interests to declare. If there are no competing interests, please add the below statement:

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Language & Text

For the submission title:

Capitalize all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions (i.e. as, because, although). Use lowercase for all articles, coordinate conjunctions, and prepositions.

Headings within the main text:

First-level headings in the text should follow the same rule as the main title. For lower-level subheadings, only capitalize the first letter and proper nouns.

Headings should be under 75 characters.

Submissions must be made in English. Authors are welcome to use American or British spellings as long as they are used consistently throughout the whole of the submission.

Number and Formulas

  • For numbers zero to nine please spell the whole words. Please use figures for numbers 10 or higher.
  • We are happy for authors to use either words or figures to represent large whole figures (i.e. one million or 1,000,000) as long as the usage is consistent throughout the text.
  • If the sentence includes a series of numbers then figures must be used in each instance. Example: Artefacts were found at depths of 5, 9, and 29 cm.
  • If the number appears as part of a dataset, in conjunction with a symbol, or as part of a table then the figure must be used. 
  • All authors can either put the formula in a full manuscript without a title page file ( *.docx format) and if there is a problem in the auto-generated pdf files, authors can upload the formula as a Formula file type (or as Another file type if you do not find Formula file type in *.doc format). 


Units, symbols, and abbreviations

  • Symbols are permitted within the main text and datasets as long as they are commonly in use or have an explanatory definition on their first usage.
  • Internationally accepted units (International System of Units), symbols, and abbreviations must be used.
  • Abbreviations should be used sparingly and must be introduced in parentheses upon the first mention.
  • Abbreviations that have meaning only within the context of the specific manuscript should be avoided.
  • En dashes can be used to replace when indicating a range. No space should surround the dash. Example: 10-25 years; pp. 10-65
  • A number of abbreviations are so common that they do not require the full text on the first instance. Examples of these can be found here.


Figures must be submitted as separate files in the submission process. Each figure needs a caption.

  • Authors are advised to attach Figures and Tables to separate files.
  • Authors are prohibited from using screenshots of graphs, tables, or diagrams. A scanned graph from other resources will not be accepted for publication.
  • All Figures should be in the form of encapsulated postscript (.eps), PowerPoint (.ppt), portable document format (.pdf), Photoshop (.psd), TIF (.tiff), PNG (png) or JPG (.jpg).
  • The raw data of the charts should be uploaded in Microsoft Excel format (MS Office 2007 or newer)
  • Please scan all images in at least 300dpi. Most consumer scanners scan in sRGB by default. However, if you are using a high-end scanner then Adobe RGB is recommended for optimum color depth. Colorspace should be in RGB.
  • The following image resolutions are accepted: Line Art 800 dpi, Combo (Line Art + Halftone) 600 dpi, Halftone 300 dpi, and a combination of both should have 500 dpi of resolution. See the Figure Graphic Formatting Guidelines on the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Website for more details. Image files also must be cropped as close to the actual image as possible.
  • We DO NOT recommend any images with a resolution below 300 dpi.
  • The title of the figure must be written under the image with a single space and font size 10pt or smaller.
  • Figure titles and legends should be placed within the text document, either after the paragraph of their first citation or as a list after the references.
  • See in the Template for the written and position of the images.


  • Tables must be created using a word processor's table function, not tabbed text.
  • Each table should have borders with normal style without any colored row or column.
  • The style of the table should be simple.
  • Each table must have an accompanying descriptive title. This should clearly and concisely summarise the content and/or use of the table.
  • Tables should not use Vertical or diagonal lines
  • Tables should be included in the manuscript.
  • Each cell must contain only one paragraph or one line.
  • If there is color in the table, be sure to submit a color graphic.
  • All tables must be cited within the main text, numbered with Arabic numerals in consecutive order (e.g. Table 1, Table 2, etc.).


  • All citations must be listed at the end of the text file, in alphabetical order of authors surnames.
  • Citation and reference writing is written using APA 7th Edition Style with more than 20 references.
  • We recommend that authors use reference manager systems (RMS) such as Mendeley, Zotero, or Endnote.
  • The author declares that he or she has checked whether the bibliographic sources referred to in the article are registered in the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) system and whether they have the DOI. 
  • Do not use footnotes in APA format. It has been given in the relevant footnote, after the bibliographic data of the referenced source, in the form of an active hyperlink.

NOTE: If multiple works by the same author are being listed, please re-type the author's name out for each entry, rather than using a long dash.

NOTE: DOIs should be included for all reference entries, where possible.

References Format

Citation in text: 

There are two formats for in-text citations: parenthetical and narrative. A parenthetical citation includes the author's name and publication date in parentheses and can appear within or at the end of a sentence. In a narrative citation, the author's name appears as part of the sentence and the date immediately follows in parentheses. You may also see both the author's name and date incorporated into the text of the sentence, but this is less common. In parenthetical citations use an ampersand (&) between names. In narrative citations use the word and between names. Examples:

One author:

Parenthetical Citation: (Nichols, 2017)
Narrative Citation:        Nichols (2017) argued¦
                                         In 2017, Nichols argued¦

Two authors:

Parenthetical Citation:
Hospitalized patients reported improvements in mood following pet therapy visits (Coakley & Mahoney, 2009, p. 144).
Narrative Citation:
Coakley and Mahoney (2009) found that hospitalized patients reported improvements in mood following pet therapy visits (p. 144).

Three or more authors:

Parenthetical Citation: (Adams et al., 2014)
Narrative Citation: Adams et al. (2014)

For more detailed information, please consult the resources: APA Style 7th Edition: In-Text Citations


Journal article:

Ashing-Giwa, K. T., Padilla, G., Tejero, J., Kraemer, J., Wright, K., Coscarelli, A., Clayton, S., Williams, I., & Hills, D. (2004). Understanding the breast cancer experience of women: A qualitative study of African American, Asian American, Latina, and Caucasian cancer survivors. Psycho Oncology, 13(6), 408-428.

Roulin, N., & Krings, F. (2020). Faking to fit in: Applicants' response strategies to match the organizational culture. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(2), 130-145.


Fallis, J., & Mills, L. (2019, May 26-28). Busting a fire and changing a life: The impact of wilderness therapy [Conference session]. Addictions & Mental Health Ontario 7th Annual Addictions & Mental Health Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada.


Johnson A., Raath M. A., Moggi-Cecchi J., Doyle G. A., eds (2018), Humanity from African Naissance to Coming Millennia. Florence University Press.

Ladge, J. J., & Greenberg, D. (2019). Maternal optimism: Forging positive paths through work and motherhood. Oxford University Press.

Smith F. (2015a), Is computer-mediated communication intrinsically apt to enhance democracy in organizations?, Human Relations, 47 (1), 45-62.

Kryger, M. (2017). The mystery of sleep: Why a good night's rest is vital to a better, healthier life. Yale University Press.

Bush, S. S., Connell, M., & Denney, R. L. (2020). Ethical practice in forensic psychology: A guide for mental health professionals (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association.

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).

Morgan, R. D., Kroner, D. G., Mills, J. F., & Batastini, A. B. (2014). Treating criminal offenders. In I. B. Weiner & R. K. Otto (Eds.), The handbook of forensic psychology (4th ed., pp. 795-837). John Wiley & Sons.



MacPhee, M. (2010). The role of safety climate and exposure to environmental hazards on occupational illness [Master thesis, Saint Mary's University]. Saint Mary's University Institutional Repository.



Smith F. (2015b)) Creating technology-supported learning communities, URL: (accessed on 15th November 2004).


Confirmation bias. (2020, April 7). In Wikipedia.

Additional Resources

For more detailed information, please consult the following resources: