The diversity of fern species (Pteridophyta) and their potential use studies in the Ulolanang Kecubung Nature Reserve
Cagar Alam Ulolanang Kecubung as a conservation area in Batang, Central Java undoubtedly holds a rich diversity of flora and fauna. One of the flora stored in the CA is ferns. Ferns (Pteridophyta) is one of the germplasm that plays an important role in the forest ecosystem and is useful in human life. Spread of fern is very wide in the territory of Indonesia. Ferns have a variety of types and potential for extraordinary use for feed ingredients, medicine and ornamental plants. This research is to obtain data and information about the types of ferns diversity in the CA Ulolanang Potential resources, especially from the community around the area. This research was conducted in March-April 2020 using the method of literature study from books, national and international journal articles. Data obtained, there are 15 types of plants distributed namely Davalia trichomanoides Bedd., Davalia denticulata (Brumm.) Mett., Pyrrosia lingua Farw., Pyrrosia numularifolia Sw., Pyrrosia longifolia (Burm.f.) Morton, Drynaria quersifolia (L.) Smith., Drynaria sparsisora "‹"‹Moore. ., Drymoglossum piloselloides (L.) Presl., Stenochlaena polustris (Burm.) Bedd., Asplenium nidus Linn., Lygodium circinatum (Burm.), Pteris vittata Linn, Selligue oxyloba (Wall. ex Kunze) Fraser-Jenk., Selliguea heterocarpa (Bi.), and Selliguea laciniata (Bedd.) Hovenkamp. All these ferns are not yet widely known Its benefits by the surrounding community. Based on the results of literature studies, these ferns have many benefits such as ornamental plants, vegetables, anticancer, antiviral, antibacterial, metal waste accumulators and traditional medicines.
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