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This research aims at recognizing the presence or the absence which exists in the difference of students' math learning result with the help of cooperative model of CPS type and NHT type. This research was conducted at MAN 2 Jakarta, 2017-2018 academic year. The populations of this study are 72 students consisting of 36 students of experiment class 1 and 36 students of experiment class 2. Method applied in this research is Quasi Experiment Method. Independent Variable: cooperative learning model of CPS type and NHT type. Dependent Variable: students' math learning result. The instrument utilized in this research is students' math learning result test in the form of essay. The instrument was tested its validity and reliability, the result is proved that the instrument is valid, reliable, and worth the use. Before research hypotheses test, it is done analysis pre-requirement tests, they are normality test with Lilliefors test and homogeneity test with Fisher test. The result of the test indicated that the two data are from normal and homogeny distributed population. Then, hypotheses test by using t-test obtained the result that ttest = 2,0482>1,9970=ttable, therefore, it is proved that H0 is rejected. Thus, the conclusion is inferred that there is the difference in the students' math learning test by applying cooperative learning model CPS type and NHT type.

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