The relationship diversity of food consumption with stunting on toddler age 6-24 months


  • Mira Wantina Program studi Gizi, Fakultas Ilmu-ilmu Kesehatan, UHAMKA
  • Leni Sri Rahayu
  • Indah Yuliana


Stunting is a problem of chronic undernourishment caused by the intake of nutrients
quality and food diversity. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship diversity
of food consumption with stunting on toddler age 6-24 months. The methodology used is
descriptive qualitative approach. The design in this study was a crosssectional study. The
sample in this research totalled 82 toddlers aged 6-24 months. Data collection was conducted
in the village of Cimayang. Data analysis technique used was chi square. The results showed
there was a relationship between parenting, complementary feeding breast milk, hygiene and
sanitation practices, and the diversity of food consumption with stunting on toddler age 6-24
months (p-value 0.015). The more food consumption diversity, will be the better quality of
nutrition value. Education about the diversity of food consumption is needed, especially to
mothers with toddlers.


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How to Cite

Wantina, M., Rahayu, L. S., & Yuliana, I. (2018). The relationship diversity of food consumption with stunting on toddler age 6-24 months. ARGIPA (Arsip Gizi Dan Pangan), 2(2), 89–96. Retrieved from




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