Potential of Bioactive Compounds of Arenga Vinegar as Traditional Medicine Through Reverse Docking Techniques
Background: Arenga vinegar (Arenga pinnata) has been trusted by the indigenous people of Kampung Kuta as traditional medicine, one of which is used as a diabetes medicine. For this reason, the aim of this study is to examine the bioactive compounds contained in arenga vinegar, namely acetic acid, which is predicted to be scientifically proven using reverse docking techniques. Methods: This research is descriptive qualitative research, by interpreting the data obtained from databases and software. Results: There is a binding pose between acetic acid and the sucrase-isomaltase enzyme, the lowest binding affinity value is -3.2 kcal/mol, and the binding site occurs hydrophobic interactions with the amino acids Trp327 (A), Asp355 (A), Ile392 (A), Trp470 (A), Phe604 (A), His629 (A), Trp586 (A) as well as hydrogen bonding to the amino acid Asp(472)A. Conclusions: The acetic acid-binding pose binds well to the sucrase-isomaltase enzyme so that the binding affinity value appears even though the value is not too low and the binding site occurs, this can be used as proof of the belief of the indigenous people of Kampung Kuta, namely the treatment of arenga vinegar as a diabetes drug, especially as a level control blood sugar.
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