Student Motivation Against Using Guided Inquiry-Based Animal Physiology Practicum Guide

Diana Susanti, Rina Widiana, Ramadhan Sumarmin, Silvi Susanti


Guidance on guided animal inquiry based practicology has been developed with valid, practical and effective results. The guide developed is guided inquiry-oriented which can help students find their own knowledge when practicum activities are carried out. Guides developed are also in accordance with the correct guiding component. The purpose of this study is to see the results of student motivation in using guided inquiry-based physiology practicum guides. This research is a development study using the 4D model, the data is processed using a percentage formula. The results of data processing show that the motivation of students who use practicum guides get a percentage of 80.2% (highly motivated) and those who do not use practicum guides is 84.14% (highly motivated) It can be concluded that students are highly motivated towards the use of practicum guided animal physiology guides

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Diana Susanti (Primary Contact)
Rina Widiana
Ramadhan Sumarmin
Silvi Susanti
Author Biography

Rina Widiana, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, Jl. Gunung Pangilun Padang, Padang, Indonesia 25000

Background: Animal physiology lab guide based on guided inquiry has been developed with valid, practical, and effective results. This guide is oriented in a guided inquiry that can help students find their knowledge during practicum activities. The guides developed have been made according to the components of a good and correct guide. This study aimed to see the students' motivation in using a guide to animal physiology practicum based on guided inquiry. Methods: This research is a quantitative descriptive study given to 60 students of the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Padang State University, totalling 60 people. The sample was obtained using total sampling. The instrument is in the form of a questionnaire with indicators of feelings of pleasure, attention, and interest in the use of the practicum guide. The data is processed with a percentage formula. Results: The results showed that of the three indicators, students were highly motivated for the indicators of feelings of pleasure and attention and motivated for the indicators of interest in the practicum guide. Conclusion: It can be concluded that using a guided inquiry-based animal physiology practicum guide makes students more motivated to do all the practicum activities contained in the guide because the activities contained in the practicum guide students to find their knowledge.

Susanti, D., Widiana, R., Sumarmin, R., & Susanti, S. (2021). Student Motivation Against Using Guided Inquiry-Based Animal Physiology Practicum Guide. BIOEDUSCIENCE, 5(1), 69–73.

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