The Implementation of Scaffolding in Team Games Tournament (TGT) to Improve Students’ Participation and Learning Performance on Reproduction System Topics
Background: This study aims to describe the usage of scaffolding methods in the activeness and learning performance of students with Teams Games Tournament (TGT) learning at SMA Negeri 5 Madiun. The type of analysis used is class action research (PTK). The subjects of this study are students of class XI MIPA 6 at SMA Negeri 5 Madiun. Methods: The method of data collection uses observation sheets to understand students’ activeness and pre-tests and post-tests to assess students’ learning performance. The technique used for data analysis is descriptive-quantitative. Results: The results of students’ activeness in Cycle I and Cycle II are 94% and 95%, respectively. There is also an improvement in students’ learning performance, as seen from the pre-tests and post-test results. The post-test results in Cycle I and Cycle II are 86% and 97%, respectively. The data analysis shows that applying the scaffolding method in Teams Games Tournament (TGT) learning can improve students’ activeness and learning performance in class XI MIPA 6 at SMA Negeri 5 Madiun. Conclusions: Applying the scaffolding learning method to team games and tournament learning can increase the activeness and performance of students in the reproductive system material.
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