Journal of ELT Research, Vol. 2, No. 2. Contents: 1) From the Editors, 2) The Implementation of Corpus-aided Discovery Learning in English Grammar Pedagogy - Elih Sutisna Yanto, Sidik Indra Nugraha, 3) The Implementation of One-Week-One-Article Program in a Reading Class: A Reflective Practice - Yudi Rahmatullah, 4) Historical Perspective: The Development of Critical Thinking in Indonesian ELT - Hamzah Puadi Ilyas, 5) Prosody Analysis of Mariah Carey's 1999 Billboard Award Speech and Its Contribution to EFL - Heri Setiawan, 6) L2 Writing Strategies Used by EFL Graduate Students - Syaadiah Arifin, 7) Improving Students' Speaking Ability through Small Group Discussion - Imam Fauzi, 8) EFL Students' Writing Style in Script Introduction Section - Novalia Rizkanisa, Iskandar Abdul Samad, and Bustami Usman



Published: July 24, 2017