Journal Description

Journal of ELT Research (JER): The Academic Journal of Studies in English Language Teaching and Learning is a peer-reviewed academic journal of studies in English language teaching and learning published biannually in January and July. Given that the journal prioritizes research reports in ELT, viewpoint articles in the same field will be considered for publication. Journal ISSN: 2502-292X, e-ISSN 2527-7448. The scope includes the teaching and learning of English as a foreign or second language: teaching strategies, language curriculum, testing and assessment, linguistics and teaching, literature and teaching, ICT in language teaching, etc. The Articles submitted should follow the Author Guidelines. Your articles should be sent as MS Word documents to or through the journal online submission webpage.

ISSN Information
Online ISSN : 2527-7448
Print ISSN : 2502-292X

We consider manuscripts that present qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies, critical reviews or analyses, and theoretical positions. Descriptions of technology-based implementations without a strong empirical and/or conceptual base will not be considered. Manuscripts submitted to Journal of ELT Research (JER) are expected to be well written, as they will not be edited for English expression while under review.

2022: Journal of ELT Research, Vol. 7, Issue. 2 (In progress)

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