
Assalamualaikum wr wb.

Welcome to Islamic Economics, the journal of the Islamic Banking Study Program of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA Starting with the 2024 edition, we have used the latest template. So we ask those of you who have uploaded in our journal to be able to adjust to the new template. We thank you for your attention. Here is the link to the new template:

After customising the new template please adhere to the following rules:

1. Articles MUST be in English using a trusted transcriber.

2. Articles MUST have turnitin below 20%.

2. The research scope MUST be in accordance with the applicable rules

3. Citations and bibliography MUST use the Mendeley or Zotero application

4. The article must include one author from a country other than Indonesia (may be positioned in the last name)

5. Articles MUST include at least 2 writings that already exist in the ISLAMIC ECONOMICS journal as references

6. Articles MUST have at least 30 references


Journal Team