Journal Description
Ekonomi Islam is a journal of the Islamic Banking study program, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA (E-ISSN: 2527-7081, P-ISSN: 2087-7056). The Ekonomi Islam is a national peer-reviewed journal. This is a semi-annual journal, published twice a year (May and November). Ekonomi Islam has been acknowledged by the Republic of Indonesia's Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education since 2020 with grade 4 (Sinta 4) accreditation.
The Ekonomi Islam focuses on a broad range of topics covering all categories of Islamic Economics, Islamic Banking, Islamic Capital Market, Management from Islamic Perspective, Islamic Business Ethics, Principles, and Practices of Sharia Law (including policy) that are of regional and global relevance. The Ekonomi Islam’s scope is the journal endeavors to publish high quality research that makes a contribution to the literature and/or has an impact on policy making. In this regard, the Ekonomi Islam welcomes research papers from Islamic banking, Islamic Insurance and Islamic Capital Market practitioners, Crowdfunding, Islamic Fintech, academics, and policy makers regardless of their institutional affiliation and geographic location.
The full manuscript should be sent electronically using the online submission form. Complete and original research manuscripts that are not currently under consideration by another publication are invited to be submitted to JEI.
Online ISSN | : | 2527-7081 |
Print ISSN | : | 2087-7056 |
Current Issue
Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Fakultas Agama Islam UHAMKA