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Discourse analysis is one of the methods of conducting research in social sciences, especially communication science. This paper describes approaches to conducting discourse analysis. The author collects data by conducting a literature review of publications or works of scholars in the field of discourse studies, especially Dijk, Halliday, and Fairclough. The author describes six approaches: The disposition Analysis Approach, Sociocognitive Approach, Discourse-History Approach, Dialectic-Relational Approach, Language Corpus Approach, and Social Actor Approach. Uses of Critical Discourse Analysis. The discourse analysis approach dismantles the practice of power in communication activities through the media. We illustrates that there are challenges for researchers and scholars related to the presence of new technologies, whether the presence of these new media provides an opportunity to create a counter-discourse or a small narrative or not. The new communication media provides breadth for the audience to produce many channels in producing and distributing discourse so that certain groups do not dominate the discourse. Traditional media has so far created a dominant discourse because of the accessibility of the media to the media structure so that the discourse supports the interests of the media. The presence of digital communication platforms enables small narratives, facilitating a culture of participation in media content


Wacana, Analisis Wacana, Pendekatan Wacana

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How to Cite
Karman, K. (2023). Discourse Analysis Approach and Its Use In The Investigation Of Social Injustice in Text Representation. KOMUNIKA, 10(1), 72–79.


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