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Background: The KATA (Hand Puppet) Narrative Program as an Educational Media for Stress Processing in Children Victims of Bullying to Avoid the Occurrence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is to provide an understanding of traumatic events while controlling the emotional movements of children who are victims of bullying and acting as a medium to foster a sense of trust children at the Baitul Ummah Wal Amal Orphanage. Method: The method used in this activity is carried out in several stages, namely providing education, encouraging invitations, building imagination from a story through hand puppets can relax the psychology of partners, especially children who are victims of bullying. Results: The results obtained in this activity can be seen in the control of the emotional movements of children who are victims of bullying. Conclusion: This activity also has a role as a medium to foster children's self-confidence at the Baitul Ummah Wal Amal Orphanage.


Narrative KATA Bullying Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Narasi KATA Bullying Gangguan Stres Pasca Trauma

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How to Cite
Hardiyanto, S., Khairina, N., Hatta, T. Z., Soraya, R., Putri, M. F., Novrizal, B. S., Lubis, F. H., & Zuhdi, A. (2025). Program Narasi KATA (Boneka Tangan) sebagai Media Edukasi Pengolahan Stres pada Anak Korban Bullying Guna Menghindari Terjadinya Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder . Jurnal SOLMA, 13(3), 2886–2893.


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