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Background: The issue of mental health has become a global concern, including in Indonesia. In 2022, according to the World Health Organization, there were 24 million cases of schizophrenia globally, with a prevalence rate of 7% in Indonesia. The primary focus of schizophrenia treatment involves antipsychotic medication therapy and mental rehabilitation. Individuals with schizophrenia often undergo perceptual changes due to smoking behavior. Method: This community service activity took place on October 28, 2023, involving the formation of a group therapy as a mental health support group. Education was provided through a method involving lectures and simulations through demonstration. This activity was attended by 19 individuals, consisting of 12 patients, 1 speaker, 1 leader, 9 facilitators, 1 minute-taker, the head of the room, and 4 room nurses. The socialization activity took place for 55 minutes. Results: Findings from the identification indicate that 30% of active smokers among the patients prefer kretek cigarettes. Additionally, 85% of the patients experience lip irritation, and 80% exhibit yellowing of the skin and fingernails due to smoking. After conducting pre-test and post-test activities, there was an increase in participants' knowledge about the understanding of the dangers and impacts of smoking, rising from 33% to 92%. Additionally, the attitude towards quitting smoking increased from 17% to 83%. Conclusion: The increase in knowledge and attitude among participants was observed through the formation of group therapy focusing on the dangers and impacts of smoking during mental rehabilitation.


Group therapy Schizophrenia Mental rehabilitation Smoking behavior Group therapy Skizofernia Rehabilitasi mental Perilaku Merokok

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How to Cite
Iqbal S, M., Jubir, Fauziah, & Masthura, S. (2024). Penguatan Perilaku Pasien Rehabilitasi Mental Melalui Group Therapy Tentang Bahaya dan Dampak Merokok. Jurnal SOLMA, 13(1), 78–86.


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