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improvement, and qualitative and quantitative evaluations were carried out. Result: In general, the participants gave a very good rating to the first speaker. The participants also gave a qualitative assessment of this training. Teachers find out the crucial conditions of students that can ultimately help students in the learning process. Pre-tests and post-tests were also carried out in this service in the form of tests of teachers' knowledge of PBIS learning methods. The mean pre-test score was 21.06 and the mean post-test score was 23.66. Conclusion: Furthermore, the conclusion is this training is able to effectively increase teachers' knowledge related to Non-Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment for Lhokseumawe City Science MGMP teachers as a support to the implementation of Merdeka Learning Curriculum for Student Character Recognition.


Assesmen Diagnostik Non-Kognitif Kurikulum Merdeka Karakter Psikologis Assessment Diagnostic Non Cognitif Merdeka Curriculum Character Psychologist

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How to Cite
Iramadhani, D., Safriana, Astuti, W., Muna, Z., Dwi Puspa, C., & Syahridha, P. U. (2024). Pelatihan Asesmen Diagnostik Non-Kognitif untuk Guru MGMP IPA sebagai Pendukung Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Pengenalan Karakter Siswa. Jurnal SOLMA, 13(1), 66–77.


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