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This study aims to explore the strategy and impact of optimizing zakat collection at Baitul Mal Aceh through a qualitative descriptive approach. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with officer and managers of zakat collection at Baitul Mal Aceh and also muzakki. Based on the results, it can be concluded that: 1) various strategies to optimize zakat collection have been carried out by Baitul Mal Aceh, including optimizing public knowledge about zakat through the installation of banners and billboards at religious study institutions, Friday sermons, lectures in the month of Ramadan. Baitul Mal Aceh also provides various facilities to make it easier for muzakki to pay zakat, such as using Quick Rerponse Indonesia Standard (QRIS) code, and picking up zakat directly, 2) Baitul Mal Aceh mechanism for collecting zakat, namely: a) visiting and handing zakat directly to the Baitul Mal Aceh, b) paying through banks or ATM machines, c) using QRIS, d) direct deductions, and e) picking up zakat directly, 3) The effectiveness of Baitul Mal Aceh in collecting zakat in Aceh is still experiencing many obstacles, so that the receipt of zakat is still far from its potential. Therefore, Baitul Mal Aceh is expected to provide seminars/training to support the performance of Baitul Mal Aceh, collaborate with other amil zakat institutions and require regulations or actions to withdraw zakat funds from vertical government agencies in Aceh.

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How to Cite
Haris Riyaldi, M., & Fadhil, M. (2023). ANALISIS STRATEGI DAN DAMPAK OPTIMALISASI PENGUMPULAN ZAKAT DI BAITUL MAL ACEH. Ekonomi Islam, 14(2), 246–260.