Improvement the Quality Learning of Social Studies with Inquiry Learning Approach


  • Nurrohmatul Amaliyah UHAMKA



Inquiry, Social Studies, Learning Model.


Nurrohmatul Amaliyah, Improving the Quality of Social Studies Learning Through Inquiry Model Based on International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IB-PYP). The problem in this research is related to Social Studies lesson which is done by faculty who still lack in exploring student's thoughts. Learning is still dominantly oriented to textbooks, the density of curriculum content, and there is still the assumption that Social Studies is a lesson that prioritizes memorization. Based on this, the study examines the problems using the inquiry model based on the IB-PYP in Social Science lessons. This research uses qualitative approach with exploration method. The results showed that there was an increase in the results of the Social Science learning process using inquiry model based on IB-PYP. Changes in Social Studies learning using inquiry models include understanding aspects of concepts, knowledge, skills, and actions. The result of the implementation of the learning action is an Inquiry model based on the IB-PYP that is adapted to the condition of the Primary School in Indonesia. This research recommends practitioners to apply the inquiry model based on the IB-PYP in Social Studies and other subjects in elementary school according to the context and school climate


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