Research Articles

Research Report Articles on primary research. These articles must describe detailed, in-depth, and original observations. Consideration for publication is based on the authenticity of the article, novelty, scientific weight, and appropriateness of the analysis. Authors are recommended to follow the EQUATOR Network for Research Articles guidelines. Articles must have received approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Research Ethics Committee for all investigations involving human subjects. Research articles consist of 2,500 words and must be accompanied by a structured abstract. A reference framework for research articles can be downloaded here.



Article Reviews are reviews or summaries of research articles. Article reviews are state-of-the-art papers that discuss current hot topics by experts in their respective fields. Article reviews must provide evidence and answers to aspects or questions that are well-defined in particular fields. Article reviews must include a critical discussion of data reported and provide clear conclusions with potential impacts on the management standards of medical and health issues. Article reviews consist of 5,000 words and must be accompanied by a structured abstract. A reference framework for review articles can be downloaded here.


Systematic Reviews

Systematic Reviews are literature reviews that focus on research questions through synthesizing all high-quality research evidence relevant to those questions. Systematic Reviews must include an Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion section. Subjects must be clearly defined. The purpose of Systematic Reviews is to arrive at evidence-based conclusions. The methods section must give a clear indication of the strategy used to find literature, the data extraction procedure, assessment of evidence, and types of analysis used. We strongly encourage authors to follow the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Systematic Reviews consist of 5,000 words and must be accompanied by a structured abstract. A reference framework for systematic reviews can be downloaded here.



Letters are intended as a response to an article published in a previous issue of SMJ. The editor has the right to send these letters to the authors of the article in question prior to publication, to enable them to respond in the same issue of the journal. Letters consist of 500 words, 1 figure or table, and a maximum of 10 references, and must be accompanied by a structured abstract. A reference framework for letters can be downloaded here.



Editorials are discussions relating to a particular issue or article written by an editor or other publication staff member. Editorials consist of a maximum of 1,000 words. A reference framework for editorials can be downloaded here.



General Conditions

Articles can be written in Indonesian or English language. Articles written in English will be more highly regarded. These articles must be able to be easily and clearly understood by the reader and must have already been edited before submission to ensure that the grammar and language used is in accordance with the general standards. For articles written in English, using a professional English language editing service prior to submission can help shorten the review process. All articles will be reviewed by the editorial team.

By submitting an article for publication, the author is deemed to have given consent to transfer the copyright to the publisher upon receipt. Papers that are accepted become the permanent property of SMJ and may not be reproduced in any way, in whole or in part, without the written approval of the publisher.

The Submission Statement with the original signature (handwritten) must be provided when submitting a paper. If it is not possible to collect all signatures on one document, all copies must be provided for each author.

SMJ recommends the use of original materials and images where possible. If the manuscript submitted contains third-party copyright material, the author is responsible for obtaining permission from the relevant copyright holder to reuse the material, including the associated license fees. Copyright and usage information must be carefully checked to avoid copyright infringements. 


Article Preparation


Writing Format

The recommended word processing program for writing manuscripts is Microsoft Word. Page and row numbering must be activated. Titles and sub-titles must be clearly displayed.

Footnotes should be avoided. Where necessary, footnotes can be included by using sequential numbers appearing at the bottom of the appropriate page.

Abbreviations (with the exception of abbreviations that are generally accepted) must be explained when first used, in both the abstract and the main text.

Units of measurement must be stated wherever possible in the International System of Units (SI).

Where possible, drugs should be referred to by their generic names (first letter: lowercase). Registered trade names (first letter: uppercase) must be marked with the superscript ® or ™ registration symbol when first mentioned.

Manuscripts, tables, figures, and Submission Statements must be submitted in separate files.

Further technical specifications, including those relating to tables, figures and illustrations, can be downloaded at each manuscript format description.


Manuscript Layout

The first page must contain a short and concise title. A running head can be included, but no more than 80 characters. Abbreviations must be avoided in the title.

Include all authors names under the title, as described in the appendices. Each of the registered authors must have an affiliation, consisting of their department, university, or organization, as well as the location, province and country.  

Write the main author’s full postal address at the bottom of the first page, including at least one telephone number, and email address.

Keywords relevant to the article must be listed under the appropriate author information.

Please refer to the guidelines appropriate to the type of article for information on the relevant structure of the article, including the maximum number of words.


Online Complimentary Materials

Online complementary materials can be used to increase the quality of the publication and increase its visibility on the web. Complementary files (which are directly relevant but not essential to the conclusions of the paper) will be reviewed by the editorial team and must be submitted in a separate file to the original manuscript. The editor has the right to limit the scope and length of additional materials. Complementary materials must meet the quality standards of publication production without the need for modification or editing. For ease of reader access, we strongly recommend that files be less than 10 MB. Authors who want to associate a large amount of supplementary material with their articles must store their data in an appropriate public data repository. All images must be accompanied by a caption and all tables have given a title. The image and table files must be made separate from the main text, and be clearly labelled. Files and formats that can be accepted for images and tables are Word or PDF files, Excel spreadsheets (if the data cannot be accurately converted to a PDF file), and multimedia files (MPEG, AVI or QuickTime format). All supplementary materials must be referred to in the main text.



In-Text Referencing

References within the text must be identified using Arabic numerals [in parenthesis].

The reference list may not be ordered alphabetically, but must be numbered sequentially according to the order they first appear in the text. If any references have been sent in for publication but have not been accepted yet, they must be labelled as ‘not published’ and must not be included in the reference list. If the author uses reference management software, they should use the Vancouver Referencing Style.

When submitting a manuscript, the author can include an ID number for ORCID or SCOPUS or Google Scholar.


Journal Policy

Licensing and Copyright

The Submission Statement is sufficient as a license and copyright requirement. A copy of the original Submission Statement signed by all authors must be received by SMJ. This document is legally binding.



Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscripts must be submitted online through the SMJ shipping portal at the website address https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/smj, or to the SMJ email address: smjournal@uhamka.ac.id. Before sending a manuscript, please read the specific Author Guidelines relevant to the type of manuscript submitted.

A brief cover letter describing how your education history contributes to the current scientific literature, and how it fits the goals and scope of SMJ must be included.


Submission Statement

The Submission Statement can be download here, and must be signed by all authors and sent to the SMJ editor.