Focus and Scope

Research of Experimental Biology (REB) is a global, peer-reviewed journal publishing multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research in the biological sciences. We publish papers on the form and function of living organisms at all levels of biological organization, from the molecular and subcellular to the integrated whole species. Articles in REB represent cutting-edge research at the overlapping junctions of the biological, physical, and chemical sciences that impact upon the health and welfare of the world's population. Our authors and readers reflect a broad interdisciplinary group of scientists studying molecular, cellular, and organismal physiology using an experimental approach and framework in an evolutionary and environmental context.

The most important criterion for publication in REB is the significant advancement of scientific knowledge.

In general, this means:

  1. We favor novel, mechanistic, hypothesis-driven papers that are of general importance to comparative animal physiology and are of interest to the broad readership of JEB.
  2. A paper should pose and test a significant hypothesis or answer an important question relevant to basic issues of experimental biology.
  3. Articles focusing on model organisms will be considered but must test hypotheses with general physiological implications.
  4. Papers must be accessible to scientists with a general biological background.

Topics covered in REB include Anatomy/Pathology; Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Applications to Biomedical Research; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Bioimaging; Biomedical Engineering; Bionanoscience; Cell and Developmental Biology; Clinical Trials; Foods and Nutrition; Environmental Health/Biomarkers/Precision Medicine; Genomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics, and Bioinformatics; Immunology/Microbiology/Virology; Mechanisms of Aging; Neuroscience; Pharmacology and Toxicology; Physiology and Pathophysiology; Population Health; Stem Cell Biology; Structural Biology; Synthetic Biology; Ecology; Biodiversity; Bioprocesses; Systems Biology and Microphysiological Systems; and Translational Research.

The journal needs more room for descriptive papers that make clear their broader mechanistic and scientific relevance.

REB is particularly appropriate for the publication of papers that are multidisciplinary in nature, are of potential interest to a wide audience, and represent experimental medicine in the broadest sense of the term. However, manuscripts reporting novel findings on any topic in experimental biology and medicine are most welcome.

Article Types
Original Research:
 Manuscripts describing complete high-impact studies on the field will be published as Original Research. Manuscripts should be as concise as possible yet sufficiently detailed to permit critical appraisal and should generally not exceed 40 typed pages (including tables, figures, and references). An unnecessary subdivision of a study into several manuscripts is not acceptable. Formatting should follow the requirements in the Submission Guidelines.