General Information

The submitted manuscript for publication to Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL) should be original research work that high academic merit. The article should not be published previously and not under consideration for publication in the other publisher elsewhere and free from plagiarism. All submission will be undergone similarity check using Turnitin. The manuscript that does not meet those requirements will be automatically rejected.

Please prepare your manuscript following the journal template prior the submission.

Submission criteria

Manuscript submitted for publication in Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL) should appropriate with the following criteria:

  • Written in good Indonesian or English.
  • Suitable to the scope of the journal.
  • Original research/review article that has not been published elsewhere, and will not be submitted to any journal during the review process.
  • Well-formatted following the journal template and style.


Preparing manuscript file

 Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL)accepts manuscript of both Research and Review article. The article should be between 4000- and 9000-words length. The manuscript must be prepared using word processing software, e.g., Microsoft Word, Open Office, Libre Office, with document format doc, or docx.

Types of Articles
1.    Original Research Paper: An original research paper is a primary literature article that provides a detailed report on research. The paper should include the following sections: introduction, research methods, results and discussion, and conclusion. The word count for this type of paper generally ranges from 4000 to 7000 words.
2.    Review Paper: In the context of geography study, a review paper is a scholarly article that critically examines and synthesizes existing research on a specific geographical topic. It serves as a comprehensive summary and evaluation of the current state of knowledge within the field of geography. Unlike original research papers that generate new data, review papers analyze and interpret a wide range of sources, including primary research studies, literature reviews, and other relevant publications. By systematically reviewing and synthesizing these sources, review papers identify key themes, trends, and knowledge gaps in the geographic literature. They provide a valuable resource for geographers by offering a consolidated understanding of the subject, highlighting areas of consensus or debate, and suggesting future research directions to advance the field of geography. Review papers in geography contribute to the advancement of knowledge, help researchers navigate the existing literature, and promote informed discussions and critical thinking within the discipline. The word count for this type of paper generally ranges from 4000 to 7000 words. The structure is more flexible, but if possible use introduction, research methods, results and discussion, and conclusion.

General Structure
1.    Paper Identity:
The title of a research paper should be concise and clear, accurately reflecting the content and focus of the study. It should capture the main idea or objective of the research. Additionally, it is important to include the names of all authors who have contributed to the paper and their respective affiliations. This information helps establish the credentials and affiliations of the researchers, providing context for their work. Furthermore, it is crucial to provide complete contact information for the corresponding author, including their email address. This allows readers, editors, and reviewers to easily contact the corresponding author for any inquiries, collaborations, or further discussions related to the research. Including this information promotes transparency and facilitates effective communication within the scientific community.

2.    Abstract:
The abstract of a research paper serves as a concise summary that provides an overview of the entire study. In this paragraph, the purpose of the experiment or research is briefly described, highlighting the specific objectives and aims of the study. It also includes a summary of the research methodology employed, outlining the approach, techniques, and data collection methods used to conduct the study. Furthermore, the abstract highlights the main findings and results obtained from the research, emphasizing their significance and implications in the field of study. Lastly, it is important to include 3-6 keywords that represent the main concepts and themes addressed in the research, facilitating easy indexing and searchability of the paper in academic databases and literature searches. These keywords should accurately reflect the core elements of the study and enable researchers to find relevant articles related to the topic.

3.    Introduction:
The introduction section of a research paper begins with a broad overview of the topic, setting the context and providing background information to familiarize the readers. It gradually narrows down the focus to the specific work being done, highlighting the research gap or knowledge deficiency in the existing literature. This can be achieved by conducting a thorough literature review and identifying areas that require further investigation. The introduction should clearly state the research questions or objectives that the study aims to address. These research questions serve as guiding principles for the entire research process and provide a clear direction for the study. Additionally, it is important to explain the approach or methodology that will be employed to answer these research questions. This may include describing the research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques that will be utilized. By providing a comprehensive overview, the introduction section establishes the relevance and significance of the research study and helps readers understand the research's scope and purpose.

4.    Research Methods:
The method section of a research paper provides a detailed description of the research methods employed in the study. It begins by specifying the study area or geographic setting, providing information about the geographical context in which the research was conducted. This includes details about the location, spatial extent, and any relevant geographic features or characteristics. The materials used in the study, such as data sources, instruments, or tools, are also described. The procedures followed during data collection, including sampling techniques, surveys, or fieldwork, are outlined to ensure transparency and reproducibility of the study. Additionally, the data retrieval techniques, such as data acquisition, data preprocessing, or data extraction, are explained to provide insights into the data collection process. If the study involves an experimental design, the method section should clearly explain the experimental setup or design. This includes the formulation of research hypotheses, the selection of control and treatment groups, the implementation of experimental protocols, and the manipulation of independent variables. The experimental design provides a systematic and controlled approach to investigate the research questions and allows for reliable data analysis and interpretation. In the case of literature research, the method section should highlight any theoretical or modeling components utilized in the study. This includes the theoretical frameworks, conceptual models, or mathematical models employed to analyze and interpret the literature. These components contribute to the theoretical foundation of the research and guide the analysis and synthesis of existing knowledge. By describing the research methods comprehensively, the method section enables other researchers to understand and replicate the study. It ensures transparency and rigor in the research process, allowing readers to evaluate the validity and reliability of the findings.

5.    Results and Discussion:
In the results and discussion section of a research paper, the analysis results are presented using maps, tables, and figures that are clear and informative. These visual representations help to convey the findings in a concise and accessible manner. Each figure and table should be accompanied by a clear explanation that highlights the key information and insights they provide. This ensures that readers can fully understand and interpret the presented data. The research results should be interpreted and discussed in the context of existing studies. This involves comparing and contrasting the findings with previous research to identify similarities, differences, or trends. It is important to discuss the implications of the results and how they contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field of geography. This helps to establish the significance of the research and its potential impact on theory, practice, or policy. It is crucial to acknowledge and discuss the limitations of the study. This includes identifying any constraints, challenges, or shortcomings that may have influenced the research process or the interpretation of results. By acknowledging limitations, researchers demonstrate transparency and provide insights into potential areas for improvement or future research. Moreover, it is important to discuss potential avenues for future work, suggesting areas that require further investigation or offering recommendations for building upon the current study to address unanswered questions or explore new research directions.

6.    Conclusion:
The conclusion section of a research paper serves to summarize the key research findings and provide a concise overview of the main points discussed throughout the paper. It provides a final opportunity to highlight the significance and contributions of the research to the field of study. In this section, the researcher should succinctly summarize the main findings, emphasizing the most important results and their implications. By doing so, readers can quickly grasp the essence of the research and its major outcomes.

The conclusion should highlight the main points discussed in the paper, effectively summarizing the key arguments and insights presented throughout the study. This may include a brief recapitulation of the research questions, the research methodology employed, and the key findings that support or refute the initial hypotheses. By reiterating these main points, the conclusion reinforces the central message of the research and ensures that readers grasp the core content.

The conclusion should explicitly state how the research contributes to the field of study. This involves reflecting on the broader implications and significance of the findings. The researcher should articulate how their research adds to the existing knowledge base, addresses gaps in the literature, or provides novel insights into the subject matter. By clearly articulating the research's contribution, the conclusion solidifies the value and relevance of the study within the field of geography.

7.    References:
The references section of a research paper is crucial for providing a comprehensive list of all the sources cited in the text. It serves to acknowledge the work of other researchers and scholars and allows readers to access the cited sources for further reading and verification. When listing references, it is important to follow a specific citation style, such as the APA style, which provides guidelines for formatting in-text citations and reference entries. Adhering to the APA style ensures consistency and accuracy in citing sources and helps maintain scholarly standards. To facilitate the organization and management of references, it is highly recommended to utilize a Reference Management System (RMS) such as Mendeley or EndNote. These RMS tools offer a range of features to streamline the process of collecting, organizing, and formatting references. They allow researchers to import references from various sources, automatically generate citations and bibliographies in the desired style (such as APA), and manage their reference libraries effectively. By using an RMS, researchers can save time, reduce the risk of citation errors, and maintain an organized database of references for future use. When creating the reference list, it is important to include all the necessary information for each source, such as author(s), publication year, title, journal or book title, volume/issue/page numbers (if applicable), and DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or URL. The reference entries should be formatted according to the APA style guidelines, including proper capitalization, italics for titles, and consistent use of punctuation. It is also crucial to ensure the accuracy and completeness of each reference entry, as well as their correct ordering based on the alphabetical order of the authors' last names.

Additional Specification:

1. Artwork:

  • Figures should be clear, easily distinguishable, and properly labeled.
  • Number the illustrations according to their sequence in the text.
  • Cite figures consecutively in the text.
  • If using an appendix, continue the numbering from the main text.
  • Obtain permission for previously published figures.

2. Tables:

  • Submit tables as editable text.
  • Number tables consecutively and provide clear table notes.
  • Avoid duplicating data already described in the text.
  • Tables should be cited consecutively in the text.

3. Units:

  • Use the International Units system for measurements.

4. Math Formulae:

  • Equations should be numbered consecutively and placed on the right-hand side.
  • Clearly identify all symbols and avoid ambiguities.
  • Provide a nomenclature list of symbols and their meanings on a separate page if necessary.

5. Maps:

  • Clarity and Legibility: The map should be clear and easily readable, with all the necessary information clearly visible. The text, labels, symbols, and lines should be legible, even when the map is reduced in size for publication.
  • Scale and Orientation: The map should include a scale bar or representative fraction to indicate the relationship between map distances and real-world distances. An orientation indicator (such as a north arrow) should be provided to show the direction of the map.
  • Projection and Coordinate System: The map should specify the projection and coordinate system used to create the map. This information is important for accurately interpreting and comparing spatial data.
  • Data Sources and Citation: Clearly indicate the sources of data used to create the map, including any primary data collected or secondary data obtained from other sources. Provide proper citations for the data sources to acknowledge the original creators.
  • Legend and Symbols: Include a comprehensive legend that explains the symbols, colors, and patterns used in the map. The legend should be concise, yet provide enough information for readers to interpret the map accurately.
  • Map Elements: The map should include essential elements such as a title, author's name, date of publication, and any necessary acknowledgments. It should also include a neat and professional border or frame to enhance the overall presentation.
  • Consistency and Compatibility: Ensure consistency in the style, color scheme, and symbology used throughout the map. The map should be compatible with the overall layout and formatting guidelines of the journal.
  • Data Accuracy and Precision: Verify the accuracy of the spatial data used in the map and ensure that it aligns with the intended purpose of the article. Use appropriate techniques, such as generalization or smoothing, to present the data at the desired level of detail without compromising accuracy.
  • Map Size and Resolution: Consider the size and resolution requirements of the journal for optimal reproduction. The map should be provided at a resolution that maintains clarity and detail, even when scaled down for publication.
  • Accessibility: Strive to make the map accessible to readers with visual impairments or color vision deficiencies. Provide alternative text descriptions or patterns to convey information that may be color-dependent.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Please submit your manuscript to website: 

    Note: Submission for this website will not be considered.

  2. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  3. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  4. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  5. Maps and figures have been provided in high quality format. Please refer to the good practice from or when preparing the map.
  6. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  7. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  8. The author agree to follow all process. Submission cancellation while the article under review is not permitted.
  9. The author agree to pay Article Processing Charge  IDR 350,000 (domestic)/USD 25 (international) when the article is accepted.
  10. The author agrees to have his/her manuscript checked by a native English-speaking proofreader if required by the editors, especially for English manuscripts.


Copyright Notice

  • The copyright of any article is retained by the author(s). 
  • Authors grant Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL) a licence to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher.
  • Authors grant Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL) commercial rights to produce hardcopy volumes of the journal for purchase by libraries and individuals.
  • Authors grant any third party the right to use the article freely under the stipulation that the original authors are given credit and the appropriate citation details are mentioned.
  • The article is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Unless otherwise stated, associated published material is distributed under the same licence.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Publication: 350000.00 (IDR)
If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publications costs.


If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.