Evaluasi Program PKL FKIP UHAMKA

Penelitian Evaluatif berdasarkan CIPP


  • Onny Fitriana Sitorus Pendidikan Ekonomi, FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA
  • Jamil Latief Pendidikan Ekonomi, FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA




Evaluation, On The Job Training, CIPP Model.


On the Job Training  or PKL is a systematic and synchronous implementation of school education programs with a program of mastery of expertise acquired in direct employment. FKIP UHAMKA Economic Education in its curriculum also includes PKL programs that try to be absorbed quickly with the work experience needed. For Progress on street vendor renewal, it is deemed necessary to evaluate. Evaluation of PKL programs is carried out by qualitative methods and CIPP models (Context, Inputs, Process, and Products). Data retrieval research is carried out by interviews, observation and analysis of documents from the journal PKL. The results of the evaluation of this research are the contexts carried out by PKL debriefing for prospective street vendors, but the results of debriefing are considered to be less than optimal because only internal parties are supported by external parties. In accordance with existing input, street vendors students are spread in various companies with various jobs and placed placed in the field of filing. The street vendor evaluation process is carried out in the monitoring activities of the study program leader, which is carried out by the Head of Study Program with direct visits to oversee the street vendors' activities in the field and also the supervisors of each street vendor. This product from the street vendor will issue a report that will be accounted for by the students in the PKL session and dissemination of the results of street vendors.


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How to Cite

Sitorus, O. F., & Latief, J. (2020). Evaluasi Program PKL FKIP UHAMKA : Penelitian Evaluatif berdasarkan CIPP. Jurnal Utilitas, 5(1), 7–16. https://doi.org/10.22236/utilitas.v5i1.4680