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This study aims to describe the level of learning concentration of class X AP students of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Tangerang Selatan in the process of learning mathematics. This research is motivated by the importance of concentration in learning process, especially in mathematics learning. The type of research conducted is qualitative descriptive research. Subjects in this study amounted to three people, where the retrieval of research subjects using purposive sampling technique by looking at student learning outcomes, then classifying them into high, low, and medium learning outcomes criteria. Data collection techniques are carried out using student observation and interviews. Data analysis techniques used the Miles and Huberman Model with four activities carried out namely: data collection, data reduction, data display, and verification/drawing conclusions. The results showed that all three research subjects had different levels of learning concentration. Subject A with high learning outcomes fulfills 6 learning concentration indicators and does not fulfill 3 learning concentration indicators. Subject A gets a score of 58.82 and is classified as having a medium concentration level. Subject B with learning outcomes is fulfilling 7 indicators of learning concentration and does not fulfill 2 indicators of learning concentration. Subject B gets a score of 70.58 and is classified as having a medium concentration level. Whereas subject C with high learning outcomes fulfilled seven indicators of learning concentration and did not fulfill 2 indicators of learning concentration. C subjects got a score of 82.35 and classified as having a high concentration level.

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