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National employment systems currently lack the optimal data from
the input data nakertrans service districts / cities have been cut off due to
structural relations official with the center after implementation of regional
autonomy laws since 1999. Besides the force personnel in each unit district
/ city level of skill and expertise less understood areas of employment for
personnel and units of work is a fusion of the department of labor office, the
office of the department of resettlement,social services and education services.
The stakeholders involved on the mechanisms of national employment
systems also vary depending upon the region. Region I, job seekers and
users of workforce capable of using the internet as a means to earn a
yellow card for the job seekers and Obligation Report sent to the offices
nakertrans Jobs district / city for the users of labor. Region II, as the
internet inaccessible areas but the population is able to use scanners. Job
data sent by fax to the offices nakertrans district / city. Job seekers can
register directly to the tribal district offices to get a yellow card. Region III
explained that this region does not reach the Internet and its inhabitants
are not able to use the scanner then the mechanism of the Employment
system as region II.
Building a new organizational structure in the national
employment system so that new bodies are performing their
duties and functions it could achieve the expected goals.
Build a network of internet and intranet technology to record the new job
seekers and sends vacancies available quickly and easily.

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How to Cite
Martono, A. (2017). Systems Analisys Of National Employment From The Technological Aspect And Working Mechanisms. Rekayasa Teknologi, 2(2). Retrieved from