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TPACK is one of the methods in education that can utilize technology in the learning process. The TPACK method can be used to increase interest in learning physics, especially in the topic of optical instruments. Learning media can be created with an application-based learning design. The purpose of this research is to produce a viable application design that can enhance interest in learning about optical instruments. This research uses the 3-D research and development method, which consists of the stages of definition, design, and development. The research subjects are expert lecturers in the field of physics, physics practitioners, and students. The data in this study were collected by distributing a feasibility test questionnaire for the application design. The data analysis used SBi analysis. (Standar Baku Ideal). The results of the feasibility test obtained indicate that the design of the learning application falls into the very feasible category.


Alat Optik, Aplikasi, Media Pembelajaran, Minat Belajar, Uji Kelayakan

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