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Penilaian berbasis HOTS, merupakan penilaian yang menuntut sesorang untuk memiliki kemampuan berpikir yang didasarkan pada kemampuan; menganalisa, mengevaluasi, dan mencipta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi Penilaian Berbasis HOTS yang telah diintegrasikan dengan kurikulum 2013 revisi 2018. Evaluasi ini dilakukan dengan model evaluasi CIPP (Context, input, process, product) dan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumen. Data hasil wawancara diperoleh dari warga SMA Labschool Kebayoran, Jakarta Selatan, meliputi; Wakil Kepala Sekolah, Guru, dan Siswa. Dan untuk data dokumen berupa, dokumen Visi dan Misi, Profile Sekolah, dan paket soal HOTS buatan Guru. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa pada; Komponen context, Visi dan Misi mengarah pada peningkatan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa. Komponen input; 1) Tidak terdapat perencanaan seacara khusus, 2) Tidak terdapat Alokasi anggaran, 3) Secara umum kompetensi guru Bahasa Indonesia memenuhi standar indikator input, 4) Kurikulum dan penilaian HOTS dilaksanakan sebagai satu kesatuan. Komponen process; 1) Penilaian HOTS diterapkan pada proses pembelajaran, dan dalam proses evaluasi hasil belajar. Komponen product terdiri dari; 1) Paket soal kelas X terdiri dari 10 butir soal, 9 soal termasuk kategori soal dengan setandar penilaian HOTS, dan 1 soal tidak termasuk. 2) Paket soal kelas XI, terdiri dari 18 butir soal, 1 soal terkategori LOTS pada dimensi mengingat, dan 17 soal terkategori HOTS. Pada paket soal kelas X, berdasarkan taksonomi bloom, rata-rata masih berada pada level C4/ menganalisa. Setelah mempertimbangkan sejumlah indikator dalam evaluasi, serta berdasarkan keempat komponen dalam evaluasi dengan model CIPP (Conteks, Input, Proses, Product).Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan program penilaian berbasis HOTS pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA Labschool Kebayoran, Jakarta Selatan berjalan dengan sangat baik, walaupun beberapa poin seperti ketersediaan anggaran khusus serta persiapan pelaksanaan tidak tersedia dan tidak dilakukan


HOTS-based assessment, is an assessment that requires a person to have the ability to think based on ability; analyze, evaluate, and create. This study aims to evaluate the HOTS-Based Assessment which has been integrated with the 2013 revised 2018 curriculum. This evaluation was carried out using the CIPP evaluation model (Context, input, process, product) and with a qualitative approach. Data collection uses the method of observation, interviews, and document study. Interview data were obtained from residents of SMA Labschool Kebayoran, South Jakarta, including; Vice Principal, Teachers, and Students. And for document data in the form of Vision and Mission documents, School Profiles, and HOTS question packages made by the Teacher. The evaluation results show that on; The context, vision and mission components lead to an increase in students' higher order thinking skills. input components; 1) There is no specific planning, 2) There is no budget allocation, 3) In general, the competence of Indonesian language teachers meets input indicator standards, 4) The curriculum and HOTS assessment are carried out as one unit. process component; 1) HOTS assessment is applied to the learning process, and in the process of evaluating learning outcomes. Product components consist of; 1) The class X question package consists of 10 questions, 9 questions are included in the HOTS assessment category, and 1 item is not included. 2) Question packages for class XI, consisting of 18 questions, 1 question in the LOTS category on the remembering dimension, and 17 questions in the HOTS category. In class X question packages, based on Bloom's taxonomy, the average is still at C4/analyzing level. After considering a number of indicators in the evaluation, as well as based on the four components in the evaluation with the CIPP model (Context, Input, Process, Product). It can be concluded that the implementation of the HOTS-based assessment program in the Indonesian language subject at Labschool Kebayoran High School, South Jakarta is going very well , even though several points such as the availability of a special budget and preparation for implementation were not available and were not carried out

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