rahmah elfiyani, ari widayanti, budiarti rahayu


Saga leaves (Abrus precatorius L.) have anti-thrush activity and contain glisirizin. Glisirizin is a compound of saponin glycosides non hemolytic, class of triterpenoid and have anti-parasitic activity. This study aims at knowing effect of increasing concentration of pectin as gelling agent on physical properties marshmallow. Saga leaves extract made in to marshmallow 4 formulas, with variations of concentrations of pectin 0.7%, 0.8%, 0.9% and 1%. The physical properties evaluations included organoleptic, uniformity of weight, uniformity of size, moisture content, and texture. The hardness test result data obtained in 859.33; 710.03; 677.13; 506.36 gf, the cohesiveness test result data 0.7375; 0.8247; 0.8780; 0.9327 gs, the springiness test result data 0.7255; 0.8142; 0.8530; 1.0236 gs. Data were analysed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey test. The result showed that the higher concentration of pectin will increase springiness and cohesiveness and reduce hardness of marshmallow of viscous saga leaves extract. 

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rahmah elfiyani (Primary Contact)
ari widayanti
budiarti rahayu
elfiyani, rahmah, widayanti, ari and rahayu, budiarti (2016) “PENGARUH PENINGKATAN KONSENTRASI PEKTIN SEBAGAI GELLING AGENT TERHADAP SIFAT FISIK MARSHMALLOW ANTISARIAWAN EKSTRAK KENTAL DAUN SAGA (Abrus precatorius L.)”, Farmasains : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kefarmasian, 3(2), pp. 65–71. doi: 10.22236/farmasains.v3i2.3323.
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