Rancang Bangun Alat Pemantauan Detak Jantung dan Suhu Tubuh Menggunakan Sensor AD8232 dan MLX90614 Berbasis Mikrokontroler


  • Dandi Nurzeha Arif uhamka
  • Kun Fayakun Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA
  • M. Mujirudin Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA




AD8232, MLX90614, heart rate, temperature, oled lcd.


The heart rate and body temperature monitoring system is an electronic device that can detect heart rate and body temperature signals in humans with units of beats per minute (BPM) and Celsius. This study aims to determine the condition of the heart in order to minimize the occurrence of heart disease early on. In this study, several components were used, namely Arduino UNO microcontroller, AD8232 sensor as a heart signal detection sensor, MLX90614 sensor used as a non-contact body temperature sensor, and Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) as output values "‹"‹from BPM and body temperature (C). The testing process in this study was carried out by bringing the hand closer to the body temperature sensor after that placing 3 ECG electrodes on the body to get a heart rate signal and then processing it to the AD8232 sensor and forwarded to the LCD as the output value. From the comparison data with other test equipment, the ad8232 sensor has an accuracy of 98.79% and an error error of 1.21%, the body temperature sensor has a difference of 0.65%.


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