Determinan Kematian Neonatal Pada Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah di Indonesia (Analisis Data SDKI 2002-2003 dan 2007)

Izza Suraya


Determination of Neonatal Death in Low Birth Weight Infants in Indonesia 

(Data Analysis of IDHS 2002-2003 and 2007)

Introduction. There were 72.4% infants with less than 2.500 grams Low Birth Weight (LBW) babies died
in their neonatal period in Indonesia. An understanding of all factors that influenced the neonatal death
is important. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify factors of LBW neonatal death between 1997
and 2007.
Methods. Based on 2002-2003 and 2007 Indonesia Demographic Health Survey, 1,232 LBW babies are
selected. The design of study was cohort prospectif with cox proportional hazard analysis to measure the
relationship between neonatal death and its determinants maternal, infant, health care, and mother's
social demographic.
Resuls. After controlling all the variables, the result showed that neonatal death in LBW babies
deteriminants are immediate breastfeeding, birth weight, sex, the term of birth, complications during
pregnancy, delivery complications, birth attendance, type of delivery, place of delivery, wealth index, and
mother's education. Variable that showed strongest risk association is complications during pregnancy
with HR = 4.12 (95 % CI : 0.64- 26,65; p value = 0.307). Meanwhile, the strongest of protective
association is middle class on wealth index variable.
Conclusions. The study concluded that birth weight influences the incidence of neonatal death.
Determinant that have the greatest effect on neonatal death is complications during pregnacy. Infants
who born from middle-class economic categories are the most protective factor to avoid neonatal deaths
among other wealth indexes.



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Izza Suraya (Primary Contact)
Suraya, I. (2017). Determinan Kematian Neonatal Pada Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah di Indonesia (Analisis Data SDKI 2002-2003 dan 2007). ARKESMAS (Arsip Kesehatan Masyarakat), 2(1), 126–134.
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