Description of Measles Trend on Tangerang City Between 2013 and 2015
Introduction. A Case Based Measles Surveillance (CBMS) has been implemented since 2007 at
the Puskesmas level and in 2011 at the provincial level. The purpose of this study is to find out the
description of measles trends in 30 health centers coverage Dinas Kesehatan Kota Tangerang
(Tangerang City Health Service) period 2013 to 2015 after CBMS applied.
Methods. This research uses descriptive method. The analysis used is univariate analysis with
secondary data source. Based on the inclusion criteria, people who suspect measles and visited the
30 primary health care that Dinas Kesehatan Kota Tangerang area, the sample in 2013 is 810
respondents, in 2014 is 561 respondents, and in 2015 is 486 respondents. Data was collected by
collecting C-1 Individual Measles Case reports was reported by each rimary Health Care.
Results. In 2013, there were 43 cases of measles from 810 people (41.7%). In 2014, a number of
17 cases from 561 (13,65) was found.. In the last period, there were 14 cases from 486 people
Conclusion. Thus, there were declining on measles incidence in the Tangerang City Health
Service between 2013 and 2015.
Trend, Campak, CBMS
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