Pengaruh Penyuluhan Dalam Peningkatan Pengetahuan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Pada Pengurus Pusat Informasi dan Konseling Mahasiswa UHAMKA

Nur Asiah


Counseling Impact on Increasing Adolescent Reproductive Health Knowledge
of UHAMKA Student Counseling and Knowledge Center's Member
Introduction. Peer educator takes an important role considering most of adolescent getting reproductive
health information from their peers. PIK M HERO is a group organized from, by and for undergraduate
student in UHAMKA who has assignment to give an information and counseling regarding population
and family planning. To improve managerial aspect and services of PIK M HERO, it is necessary to
conduct the training for PIK M HERO member. This study aimed to determine knowledge difference of
PIK M HERO member before and after education program.
Methods. This study was analytic research using one group pretest-posttest design. The study began with
filling out the questionnaire (pretest), then researchers conducted education for respondents then
respondents filled out the same questionnaire (posttest). The research was conducted on 25 students of
PIK M UHAMKA member whereas total sampling method has been used. Bivariate analysis was
conducted to determine the effect of health education on the level of respondent knowledge about
reproductive health. Data were tested using paired t test and Wilcoxon test.
Results. The average score knowledge of respondent before being given education is 66.4 which was
categorically 64% on the low score and 36% on the high score categoric. After given education, average
score becomed 82,56 whereas categorically 68% has a high score categoric and 32% has a low score
categoric. Statistic test show that there was a kwowledge score difference before and after given
education (p value = 0.001). Thus counseling was effective in gaining respondent knowledge about
reproductive health.


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Nur Asiah (Primary Contact)
Asiah, N. (2016). Pengaruh Penyuluhan Dalam Peningkatan Pengetahuan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Pada Pengurus Pusat Informasi dan Konseling Mahasiswa UHAMKA. ARKESMAS (Arsip Kesehatan Masyarakat), 1(2), 97–101. Retrieved from
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