The government continues to strive so that the community's economy can survive during the pandemic, one of which is the Micro Business Productive Presidential Assistance (BPUM) program for micro-businesses, therefore this study aims to find out how effective the use of BPUM funds is in maintaining micro businesses in the midst of the covid 19 pandemic, especially the micro-enterprises that were fostered by the leadership of the branch of Aisyiyah Kp Rambutan, East Jakarta. This research uses descriptive quantitative method with a saturated sample of 13 micro businesses. Data collection techniques through field observations, questionnaires, interviews and documentation, followed by statistical test calculations using SPSS. The results obtained are that the timeliness of BPUM receipts is 75%, the accuracy of cost calculations is 76%, the accuracy of making choices is 79% and the accuracy of targets is 70%. It can be seen that the use of Banpres funds is considered quite effective in maintaining micro-enterprises and can even increase business profits by 20%-25% if averaged. Thus, the sustainability of this program needs to be considered to continue to support micro-enterprises in increasing their business.
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