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Acute pain of pelvic origin is a common symptom necessitating emergent medical evaluation. Acute pelvic pain in young women can present as a unique diagnostic dilemma. Differential diagnosis in acute pelvis pain can vary according to risk. Possible causes span a gamut from functional ovarian cysts that require routine follow-up to adnexal torsion and ectopic pregnancy requiring urgent surgical management.

This case report illustrates how concomitant gynecologic disorders can occur in patients with acute appendicitis. The laparoscopic operation revealed a ruptured ovarian endometriotic cyst concurrent with acute appendicitis and was proven by histopathology. This serves as a reminder that even though a rare case is contemporary, two different entities can occur.


acute abdominal ovarian endometriotic cyst appendicitis rupture

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How to Cite
Nareswari, G. (2022). Acute Abdominal Case Report: Ruptured Ovarian Endometriotic Cyst Concurrent with Acute Appendicitis. Sanus Medical Journal, 4(2), 33–36.


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