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To develop student learning independence, can be done in problem solving learning with ATONG approach ( Amati=Observe, Tanya=Ask, Olah=Process, Nalar=Reason, and Gagas=Idea). This approach is designed in learning design and applied in combinatorics learning for eighth grade students of MTs N 2 Pemalang. Initiatives, motivations, and learning goals are indicators of student learning independence in addition to also setting a suitable strategy according to the situation and condition of students. This includes observing the character of curiosity.

This research was carried out in MTs N 2 Pemalang with qualitative methods. The types of approaches used are case studies and critical analysis. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to whichlearning problem solvingproblems with the ATONG approach were found and what solutions were offered from the learning problem.

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