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The purpose of this study was to determine students' critical thinking skills in answering Newton's Law physics questions in high school class X. The type of research used was descriptive quantitative research. This study systematically describes the critical thinking skills of Widya Bhakti High School Palembang students in physics subject matter of Newton's Law. The students who became the subject of this study were class X as many as 21 students. This test consists of 10 questions comprised of 5 indicators of ability consisting of the ability to analyze, evaluate, explain, infer, and interpret. Among the ten questions, there are two indicators and three indicators in 1 query. Based on data analysis of critical thinking skills on Newton's Law material for the category of indicators of ability to explain and interpret 28.57%, indicators of ability to analyze, inference, and evaluate 24.6%, indicators of ability to conception and interpret 29.16%, indicators of ability to inference 26, 19%, 0% analytical ability indicator, and 20.23% ability to explain and inference indicator. So the results of research on critical thinking skills of SMA Widya Bhakti Palembang students on Newton's Law material can be concluded that each student gets an assessment score with the highest score of 50 and the lowest score of 2.5. So students' critical thinking skills on Newton's Law material can be categorized in the low category.


Analysis, Critical Thinking, Newton's Laws

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Ningrum Pertiwi, Mahasiswa

analisis kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dalam menjawab soal materi hukum newton