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Outbreaks covid -19 is a plague that is now widespread in Indonesia. The process of learning and teaching firstly in a face-to-face is now online for this study focuses on using WhatsApp application in teaching physics at covid-19 pandemic period. The research design used is descriptive qualitative. Respondents used in this study were students and teachers of Physics Subjects at SMA Pelita Bangsa Lontar. Some of the data collection techniques include interviews and observations. The analysis technique used in this study, namely data reduction, data display, and concluding. The research result shows that learning physics firstly carried out in a conventional manner or the form of direct face to face now become completely virtual by using an application that is WhatsApp where teachers submit material and matter in this application as support in favor of defenders ran physics future covid -19 The physics material taught is in the form of material that contains physics concepts and physics formulations or physics formulas and their use and practice questions that are sent through the application. Still, from the use of the WhatsApp application, there are advantages and disadvantages. The benefits of the application WhatsApp is that students and teachers before online learning were designated Government of Pakistan mostly already download and use this application to communicate previously and most of the students and teachers are proficient in using these applications, in addition, WhatsApp also needs more diminutive quota form, access it and can send any file in pdf, word or other conditions. The lack of using the WhatsApp application is that students find it challenging to understand the material that has been shared by the teacher because indeed in the WhatsApp application, there is no face-to-face online discussion such as the g meet and zoom application so that the delivery of the material is only in video form.