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Physics concepts can be analyzed using several learning applications, one of which is a video tracker . The purpose of this study is to analyze the concept of kinetic energy, potential energy, and free fall motion using a video tracker . The method used in this study is an experimental method with 2 types of balls that have mass and are positioned at different heights. Data analysis uses quantitative descriptive by comparing data obtained from the analysis of video tracker experiments and direct experiments. The results of this study indicate that the experimental data from the video tracker and direct experiments obtained almost the same and very far differences in several concepts of kinetic energy and potential energy. This is due to the use of low-quality cellphone cameras, the inability of the video tracker to detect the results of several components (height, kinetic energy, and time), and the neglect of air resistance in the video tracker . So that the video tracker is less accurate in analyzing the physics concepts of kinetic energy, potential energy, and free fall motion.


energi kinetik; energi potensial; gerak jatuh bebas; tracker video

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