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Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis kasus efektivitas program Pendidikan Sistem Ganda (PSG), dengan pendekatan model evaluasi Stake's Contenance. Populasi meliputi seluruh stake holder sekolah. Secara purposif, diperoleh subjek informan: Seorang Kepala Sekolah, Wakasek bidang kurikulum dan ketenagaan, penangung-jawab program PSG, panitia penerimaan siswa baru, 3 orang guru produktif, 3 siswa PSG, dan 2 orang instruktur industri pasangan. Data dihimpun melalui wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumen. Uji keabsahan data dilakukan melalui teknik triangulasi, terkait sumber, teknik dan waktu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Optimalisasi pelaksanaan program PSG berdasarkan kriteria atau standar objektif yang ditetapkan, mencakup 17 Aspek dan 49 sub-aspek. Dari aspek dan sub-aspek tersebut, terdapat 13 aspek dan 41 sub-aspek termasuk kategori tinggi dan memenuhi kriteria pada komponen antecedents, transactions dan outcomes, selain itu terdapat 4 aspek dan 8 sub-aspek yang tidak memenuhi kriteria. Banyaknya aspek yang mencapai kategori tinggi pada setiap komponen, menunjukkan keberhasilan program PSG, walaupun masih ada beberapa aspek dan sub-aspek yang perlu perbaikan.


The study aims to analyze the case of program effectiveness Dual System Education (PSG), the evaluation model Stake’s Contenance. The population includes all stakeholders of the school. Purposively, obtained the subject informant: A Principal, Vice Principal areas of curriculum and workforce, person in charge of PSG program, the admissions committee of new students, 3 teachers productive, PSG 3 students and 2 instructors industry. Data were collected through interviews, observation and document study. Test the validity of data is done through triangulation techniques, related resources, techniques and timing. The results showed that: Optimizing the PSG program implementation based on the criteria or objective standards were established, covering 17 aspects and 49 sub-aspects. From the aspects and sub-aspects, there are 13 aspects and 41 sub- aspects including high category and meets the criteria of components antecedents, transactions and outcomes, besides there are four aspects and 8 sub-aspects that do not meet the criteria. Many aspects of which reached the high category in each component, shows the success of the program PSG, although there are still some aspects and sub-aspects that need improvement.

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