Persepsi masyarakat tentang hukum syariah menabung di Bank dan tingkat literasi keuangan syariah
Perception, Islamic Financial Literacy,, Saving, TangerangAbstract
This study has three objectives. First, to find out the people of Tangerang City perception about
sharia law regarding saving in Islamic and conventional banks. Second, to find out their Islamic
financial literacy level. And third, to determine the relationship between their perceptions and their
Islamic financial literacy level. This study uses quantitative methods with primary data collected
by integrating questionnaires in 13 sub-districts in the city of Tangerang. The method used to
determine the number of samples is the Slovin formula, while data analysis uses the Kendall's
Tau correlation. This study produced several findings. First, the perception of the Tangerang city
people about the law of saving in Islamic banks is dominated by the answer recommended, while
the saving law in conventional banks according to the majority of the people of Tangerang City is
permissible. Second, the level of sharia financial literacy in Tangerang City is low, with the lowest
indicators are their skills in using Islamic financial services. Third, there is a strong relationship
between the people of Tangerang City perception about sharia law saving in banks with the level
of Islamic financial literacy.
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