Author Guidelines
ARDIMAS (Jurnal Arsip Pengabdian Masyarakat) journal wast firstly published in 2020 by The Faculty of Sciences of Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. ARDIMAS journal is issued in the frequency of two times a year in March and October.
The articles issued in ARDIMAS journal must comply with the rules below:
- The manuscript submitted is the original result of the study and not the result of plagiarism (free from text, data, and content plagiarism).
- The articles we receive should be accompanied with originality statement from the authors declaring that the article is their original work and do not contain any plagiarism.
- The article has not been previously published or is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- The submitted article must have been approved by all authors and other parties contributed to the article (e.g. sponsor or institution).
- The manuscript must be written in standard Indonesian.
Online Submission :
The submission articles for the ARDIMAS journal adheres to the online submission system in the website. There are no binding rules regarding initial submission, as long as the article structure has been confirmed to be compliant with our guidelines. The manuscript that has already been submitted to the reviewing process will be sent back to be revised (see the guidelines carefully).
Author registration :
Author who does not have ARDIMAS account will be required to create one before submitting the article. Kindly verify again that “Author†is already put below the menu, if you did not do it you will not be able to submit the article.
Author(s) data :
The author's submission is finished if the data filling of the author has matched. Afterwards, fill in the affiliation address and adjust the format in accordance with the guidelines.
Manuscript format:
- The manuscript must be submitted in the format of Microsoft Office file (MS. Word). All section of the manuscript must be written using Calibri font, single space, 1 column, in A4 page size, with 3 cm margin of all sides. The article must be brief and clear (around 6-15 pages long).
- The structure of the article includes title, authors name, affiliation/institution, email address, abstract, keywords, introduction, method, result and discussion, conclusion, suggestion, acknowledgement, and reference.
- Manuscript specification :
- The title should be written twofold, in Indonesian and English.
- Indonesian title should be written in Calibri font, 16pt, bold, UPPERCASE, Align left, single space, 20 words maximum, no abbreviation. The title does not have to be the same as the title of a community service report. The title may describe the activity type or its result. It should be made attractive so it appeals to the reader.
- English title uses Calibri font, 16pt, bold, UPPERCASE, Align left, single space, 20 words maximum, no abbreviation, corresponds to the Indonesian title
- Author(s) Name: authors' full names without titles, written in Calibri font, 14pt, bold, Capitalize Each Word, Align left, single space
- Affiliation: (Institution Names including country. Written in Calibri font, 12 pt, normal, Capitalize Each Word, Align left), Write down the institution/affiliation of all authors. Write the numerical code only if the authors share the same institution.
- Email: email address is written using Calibri font, 12 pt, Normal
- ABSTRACT: Abstract and keywords are written both in Indonesian and English. The abstract contains no reference. The abstract content includes introduction (contains the analysis of situation or partner's problem), method/activity stages (target group, time, place, method whether it is participant involvement/demonstration/education/service, activity evaluation, response of the participants), solution and activity result, conclusion/activity outcome, and keywords (3-5 words). The abstract should be 200-150 words long. Written in Calibri font, 10 pt, single space, justify, and informal/standard language. The writing style of the abstract should correspond to the language principle in which it is written. For example, in writing percentage number, English abstract will use “3.50%†whereas in Indonesian it is written as “3,50%â€.
- Keywords: 3-5 words, separated with comma, lowercase, word/short phrase which are the core of article substances, sorted alphabetically.
- INTRODUCTION: Introduction contains an explanation of a situation, profile, the problems of the partner and the emerging impact of the problem. The introduction should be supported by data of community problem from the international, national, and local area of the service taken place, and data from partners. The introduction should be written without subheading and without hypothesis statement. Introduction also includes the general objective of the activity. Citation in the introduction should be written in accordance with the author guidelines. The source of the citation should be within the last decade. The introduction should be written using Calibri font, 12 pt, normal,3 pages ta maximum, justify, with the initial paragraph 1.5 cm indented, and formal/standard language.
- METHOD: Method contains time, partner's place, group target. Write down each stage of the community service activity. For each stage of community service activity, write down the purpose of the stage, who and how many were the participants, activity method (education/lecture, demonstration, active participation of the participants, community service, brainstorming), participants response (evaluation response/qualitative evaluation), and activity target achievement (in quantitative or qualitative form). The activity stages should be illustrated in a chart. The method should be written using Calibri font, 12 pt, normal,3 pages ta maximum, justify, with the initial paragraph indented 1.5 cm, and formal/standard language.
- RESULT AND DISCUSSION: It is the main section of the research article. There may be subheadings corresponds to the stages of the activities. The activity result is the solution to the partners' problem. The activity result includes the form of the activity, the calculation result of data from instrument/assessment spread. Result of the activity also comprises evaluation result quantitatively or qualitatively. The narration of result should be written using Calibri font, 12 pt, normal, justify, with the initial paragraph indented 1.5 cm, and formal/standard language. There is no page limit for result and discussion section, but there is a limitation of overall page length (6-15 pages).
- Tables are numbered consecutively. Tables consist of head and body. The title of the table is put above the head and written briefly according to the point. The table should not use a vertical border. The table should use horizontal border in the table's head. Tables' body is borderless. Tables should be the combination of some variables. Tables' title and content are written using Calibri font, 12 pt, normal and formal/standard language. The category of each variable is 0.5 cm indented.
- Figures are numbered consecutively. Figures can be graphic, picture, or chart. If there are more than 2 categories in a variable, the use of a pie chart should be avoided. Pie/bar chart may have a percentage in its every bar/ or part of the pie. Figure title is put under the figure. The title of the figure is written in 12pt size, normal, and using formal/ standard language.
- CONCLUSION: The paragraph, in conclusion, is 1.5 cm indented. The content stating the target achieved of every stage of the activity. It also describes the participants' response to overall activity stages. The conclusion is written in 12pt size, normal, justify with 1.5 cm indented paragraph, and using formal/standard language. The conclusion should not exceed 0.5 pages.
- SUGGESTION: Statement of hope/an effort after the activity that became the part of the activation process, positive impact, and solution to the partner's problem. The suggestion is typed in 12 pt font size, normal, ¼ page long at maximum, 1.5 cm indent, justify, and using formal/standard sentence.
- ACKNOWLEDGMENT: It is optional. Statement of appreciation by expressing gratitude for all parties who have helped the activities performed.
- REFERENCES: Articles should use at least 15 latest references. The references used should be limited to the last decade. 80% of the reference used in the article should be from journals as the primary reference source. The style of the reference adhere to APA (American Psychological Association) style, with font size 12pt and sorted alphabetically. It is strongly recommended to write the references using reference management software (Mendeley, EndNote, or Zotero).
Example of References:
Book source
Setu, A.2015. Pedoman Program Pemberantasan Penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (ISPA) untuk Penanggulangan Pneumonia pada Balita. Jakarta: Gramedia.
Gandy, Joan (Ed.), 2014. Manual of Dietetic Practice, fifth ed. Wiley-Blackwell.
Journal with DOI source
Nwaru, B.I., Hickstein, L., Panesar, S.S., Roberts, G., Muraro, A., Sheikh, A., 2014. Prevalence of common food allergies in Europe: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Allergy 69 (8), 992–1007.
Website source
Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Manfaat ASI eksklusif. Website: [diakses 17 Juli 2017]