
  • Dendy Setyawan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Jawa Timur





This study aims to determine the condition of local potential in the Lamongan Regency area that is useful in supporting the growth of the Creative Industry Sector MSMEs in Lamongan Regency, as well as where the potential of the village is a growth center that can encourage the acceleration of rural development and become one of the sources of economic strength for the Creative Industry Sector MSMEs in the region. This research was carried out in Lamongan Regency. The sequential explanatory design combination research method is a combination research method that combines quantitative and qualitative research methods sequentially. This study uses secondary data obtained from related institutions, including: GRDP data, Village Leading Products, Transportation infrastructure, Local Government Program Data , and RBI Map (administrative data, topography, etc.). The results of the research can be concluded that the potential of village local resources as the development of economic growth centers on the north coast of East Java, namely: Lamongan Regency, whose coastal area consists of Brondong and Paciran sub-districts has the potential: Industry (MSMEs, Medium and Large), Garden products (cassava), beef chicken, beef cattle, and capture fisheries. Availability of facilities and infrastructure to support the village of the center of economic growth on the north coast of East Java, Paciran District has complete infrastructure facilities in Lamongan Regency if divided by village, Order I Paciran Village, Odo III Banjarwati and Blimbing Villages. Proposed growth center villages are: 1) Paciran, 2) Banjarwati, 3) Blimbing and Kemantren and for Brodndong District, namely: 1) Brondong, 2) Sedayulawas and Brengkok. The strategy carried out by the government so far in developing the village economy at the center of the institution through the PNPM program and the Village Fund has not been efficient because the policy is still general and not specific according to local potential.


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How to Cite

Setyawan, D. (2022). POTENSI SUMBER DAYA LOKAL DALAM MENDUKUNG PERTUMBUHAN UMKM INDUSTRI KREATIF DI KABUPATEN LAMONGAN. Jurnal Utilitas, 8(1), 45–61. https://doi.org/10.22236/utilitas.v8i1.8590