
  • Mardiana Ade Pertiwi Pendidikan Ekonomi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka



This research aims to find out how the implementation of Direct selling in the automotive business field. The number of informants of this study is as many as 3 people consisting of 2 sales supervisors and IT web staff. The research method used is a qualitative method is descriptive. Research sampling techniques using Purposive Sampling. Research data collection techniques include participatory observation, structured interviews, and documentation. Based on the findings of the researchers concluded, Direct selling applied in the automotive business includes (1) direct channels of consumers; (2) interactive marketing; and (3) alternative media. Direct consumer channels consist of direct mail, catalog marketing, and telemarketing. While interactive marketing consists of websites, microsites, and online communities. Furthermore, the latter is that alternative media consists of print media, electronic media, outdoor media, and bottom-line media. Advice that can be given so that sales can develop direct channels of consumers by reaching the effectiveness of the right targets, interactive marketing that can be developed with the use of live chat so that consumers do not have to wait long besides that it is expected that all sales have microsites to promote themselves and support in their sales and for alternative media used should be further developed so that consumers are interested in seeing information provided.


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How to Cite

Pertiwi, M. A. (2021). IMPLEMENTASI DIRECT SELLING BIDANG USAHA OTOMOTIF. Jurnal Utilitas, 7(2), 44–49.