JURNAL SISTEM DAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/sistekinfo en-US Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Penggunaan Teknologi Big Data Dalam Evolusi Sistem Basis Data Pendidikan https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/sistekinfo/article/view/15699 <p>The use of big data in the education sector is now the main focus in efforts to improve <br>the learning process and strategic decision making. Big data provides a valuable resource for <br>analyzing data generated by educational institutions, such as student data, attendance, <br>evaluations, and classroom interactions. However, the use of big data also faces various <br>challenges, including data privacy and security protection, data integrity, and limited <br>technological resources and analytical expertise. This research combines qualitative and <br>quantitative approaches to describe the benefits and challenges of using big data in <br>educational institutions. The research results show that the application of big data can improve <br>operational efficiency, decision-making effectiveness and student learning experiences. <br>However, the importance of protecting data privacy and security as well as developing <br>analytical resources and expertise must be considered to maximize the benefits of big data. <br>Recommendations for educational institutions include special attention to the use of big data <br>in decision making, personalization of learning, and increased operational efficiency.</p> Yenni Lutfhi Berliana, Gladisya Devina Agustine, Qory Mustika Arsy Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL SISTEM DAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/sistekinfo/article/view/15699 Sun, 22 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Integrasi Teknologi Big Data dalam Penggunaan 3D Hologram, EEG, dan TMS untuk Diagnosis dan Pengobatan Gangguan Kesehatan Mental https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/sistekinfo/article/view/15700 <p><em><strong>Abstract :</strong> The utilization of 3D hologram technology in recording brain electrical activity (EEG) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on humans has opened new opportunities in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders. By integrating big data technology, the data generated from EEG and TMS can be analyzed in-depth to identify previously undetected patterns and trends. Big data allows for the rapid and accurate processing of large amounts of information, providing comprehensive insights into brain activity. The combination of hologram technology, EEG, TMS, and big data is expected to enable personalized treatment for mental disorders, enhance intervention effectiveness, and facilitate better management of mental health databases. This platform is anticipated to be a breakthrough in treating patients with mental health disorders, facilitating the diagnostic process, and offering more advanced non-invasive treatment options. </em><br /><em>Keywords : Big Data, Health, Databases</em> <br /><br /></p> Nabilla Amelia Putri, Fitria Nur hasanah, Arnawati, Doni Rizki Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL SISTEM DAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/sistekinfo/article/view/15700 Sun, 22 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Peran dan Manfaat Perkembangan Artificial Intelligence (AI) dalam Proses Pembelajaran https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/sistekinfo/article/view/15689 <p>The learning process is a crucial aspect of every individual's life, especially for students. The quality of the learning process significantly impacts the final outcomes achieved. With the advancement of technology, especially in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), there has been a positive influence, bringing a new understanding to the world of education. AI facilitates easier and more personalized access to knowledge, learning, motivation, and other supporting resources. This study also examines potential challenges, including ethical aspects and equity in accessing AI technology. By analyzing current literature and case studies on AI implementation in educational institutions, this research concludes that the utilization of AI holds great potential to enhance the quality of student learning and create a more interactive and innovative learning environment in today’s digital era.</p> Sufi Muhammad, Junaedi Muhammad Rafly, Hidayat Nanda, Awaludin Alfiat Nur Rizki Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL SISTEM DAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/sistekinfo/article/view/15689 Sun, 22 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Etika Profesi Informatika dalam Konteks Cybercrime dan Kepercayaan Publik https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/sistekinfo/article/view/15638 <p><em>The ethics of the informatics profession is a crucial aspect in the development of information and communication technology, particularly in the context of the growing prevalence of cybercrime. As technology rapidly advances, the risks and threats of cybercrime continue to escalate, posing potential harm to various parties, including individuals, organizations, and governments. This underscores the importance of professional ethics in the field of informatics to combat cybercrime and maintain public trust in technology.</em></p> <p><em>This article discusses the relationship between informatics professional ethics and cybercrime, as well as how ethical practices can aid in the prevention, detection, and handling of cybercrimes. Informatics professionals, such as software developers, security analysts, and network administrators, have a moral and professional responsibility to ensure that the technologies they develop or manage are not used for harmful or illegal purposes. Unethical actions, such as malware dissemination, illegal hacking, and data privacy breaches, can have a detrimental impact on the reputation of the informatics profession and erode public trust in information technology.</em></p> <p><em>Public trust heavily depends on the ability of informatics professionals to demonstrate integrity, transparency, and responsibility in all their activities. In this regard, professional ethics serves as a guideline that helps professionals make the right decisions, especially when faced with complex dilemmas related to data security and user privacy. For instance, when a company faces a cyberattack, professional ethics will encourage them to act transparently, communicate the situation to customers, and take necessary steps to protect individual data and privacy rights.</em></p> <p><em>The article also explores the challenges faced by informatics professionals in applying ethics in their daily practices, including pressures to meet business targets that can blur the line between ethical and unethical practices. Furthermore, technological advancements, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data, present new ethical dilemmas that require special attention. In this context, a high level of ethical awareness and a commitment to professional standards are essential to maintaining integrity and trust in the use of technology.</em></p> <p><em>This study concludes that the implementation of professional ethics in the field of informatics is key to overcoming the challenges posed by cybercrime and maintaining public trust in information technology. Through a deep understanding of professional ethics, informatics professionals can act as the frontline defense in protecting society from cyber threats while ensuring that technology continues to provide positive and sustainable benefits. Therefore, increasing awareness and education about informatics professional ethics should be a priority, both in academic and industrial environments, to create a safe and trustworthy technological ecosystem.</em></p> <p> </p> ammar zhafran muhamad Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL SISTEM DAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/sistekinfo/article/view/15638 Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pengembangan Algoritma Rekomendasi Menggunakan Collaborative Filtering dan Content-Based Filtering https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/sistekinfo/article/view/16613 <p>Dalam era digital saat ini, sistem rekomendasi memainkan peran penting dalam membantu pengguna menemukan informasi atau produk yang relevan di tengah banyaknya pilihan yang tersedia. Namun, sistem rekomendasi tradisional sering menghadapi tantangan seperti masalah <em>cold start</em> dan <em>sparsity</em>. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan algoritma rekomendasi yang lebih efektif dengan menggabungkan dua pendekatan utama, yaitu <em>Collaborative Filtering (CF) dan Content-Based Filtering (CBF</em><strong>)</strong>. CF memanfaatkan data interaksi pengguna sebelumnya untuk memberikan rekomendasi berdasarkan preferensi pengguna yang serupa, sementara CBF menggunakan fitur atau karakteristik konten untuk menyarankan item yang sesuai dengan minat pengguna.</p> <p>Metodologi penelitian ini melibatkan pengujian dan penggabungan kedua pendekatan tersebut menggunakan teknik <em>weighted hybridization</em>, di mana bobot tertentu diberikan pada hasil dari CF dan CBF berdasarkan kinerja model. Data yang digunakan terdiri dari 10.000 pengguna dan 5.000 item, dengan total 150.000 interaksi. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan hibrida mampu meningkatkan akurasi rekomendasi secara signifikan, dengan peningkatan <em>precision</em> sebesar 0,82, <em>recall</em> sebesar 0,76, dan <em>F1-score</em> sebesar 0,79, serta mengurangi <em>Mean Absolute Error (MAE)</em> menjadi 0,22. Selain itu, pendekatan hibrida juga berhasil mengatasi masalah <em>cold start</em> dan meningkatkan diversitas rekomendasi.</p> <p>Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan hibrida dapat menjadi solusi yang efektif dalam pengembangan sistem rekomendasi yang adaptif dan personal, serta dapat diterapkan dalam berbagai domain seperti e-commerce, layanan streaming, dan media sosial.</p> Muhammad Rafly Junaedi Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL SISTEM DAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/sistekinfo/article/view/16613 Tue, 18 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700