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With the pumped storage integrated to the power system, an analysis of its scheduling
is needed. The study is in the electrical power system related to hydrothermal units in the
power system of Jawa-Madura-Bali (JAMALI).The scheduling is based on the daily load
curve and load distribution among hydrothermal units. With pumped storage operated, the
load flow will influence the stability of power system. The objective of thermal units
optimization is to minimize total operation costs.
Scheduling of pumped storage and optimization of thermal units are used a particle
swarm optimization (PSO) technique due to its high-performance and flexibility. PSO is
used as base algorithm to search for better solution. In addition power balance, water
discharge and reservoir volume are considered. For the necessity of analysing it needs to
simulate in forcasting load of short term, scheduling pumped storage operation,
computing load flow and minimising generation costs in the power system of JAMALI.


optimization pumped sorage hydrothermal units

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How to Cite
Multi, A. (2011). Tinjauan Pembangkit Hidrotermis Setelah Penggabungan PLTA Pompa Pada Sistem Tenaga Listrik Jawa-Madura-Bali. Rekayasa Teknologi, 1(1). Retrieved from