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Technological advances have had a great influence in various areas of life, including in the digital entertainment industry such as video games. There are many children who are more interested in playing games than learning, which can result in a decrease in interest in learning academic activities. Therefore, finding an effective method to balance children's interest in learning by playing games is very important. One solution is to create  educational games that provide a fun and interactive learning experience. This research aims to develop an  educational game that can help children play while learning. The development  of  2D educational games for science subjects uses Unity Engine and MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) as development methods. From the results of the discussion, the creation of the game was successful. Based on the results of application testing that has been carried out on  educational games, all components  of this game function properly and there are no problems. In addition, beta testing shows that this educational game has been proven to be able to increase students' interest in learning

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How to Cite
Prayudha, I. T., & Chotijah, U. (2024). Pengembangan Game Edukasi 2D Mata Pelajaran IPA Menggunakan Unity Berbasis Mobile. Jurnal Teknik Informatika Dan Komputer, 3(2), 46–52.


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