Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Psikologi 2023-12-04T15:11:40+07:00 Fakultas Psikologi Open Journal Systems <p><strong><em>Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Psikologi: Kajian Empiris dan Non-Empiris</em></strong> (JIPP) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. JIPP has been published by Psychology Study program, Psychology Department in University Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA. JIPP is published in print formats with P-ISSN : 2477-3158 and online and electronic formats with E-ISSN : 2685-9157. JIPP is published bi-annually, every May and November.</p> <p>The editorial board would like to receive manuscripts submitted via the online submission system. Make sure that the manuscripts meet the scope and submission guidelines of the journal. For more detailed information, please refer to the terms and conditions of Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Psikologi: Kajian Empiris dan Non-Empiris. JIPP is providing a platform for the researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and students to impart and share knowledge in empiric and non-empiric studies in psychology.</p> THE ROLE OF GROWTH MINDSET AND SELF-COMPASSION ON SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING IN ADOLESCENTS 2023-05-08T12:53:58+07:00 Muhammad Reza Shania Finnalia Fatin Wahidah <p><em>Adolescents as individuals who are in the transitional period of development from childhood to adulthood. A person with a high level of subjective well-being has the ability to regulate emotions and cope well with problems. Self-compassion reflects a good attitude towards oneself, by not blaming the conditions, shortcomings, and experiences that occur in adolescents. The development of an individual's mindset can make an individual's life more advanced or even vice versa can be more or less good.&nbsp; This study aims to determine the effect of growth mindset and self-compassion on the subjective well-being of adolescents. The research method used in this study is a quantitative approach. Samples in this study were early adolescents aged 13-17 years in adolescents in Purbalingga. This study uses non-random sampling techniques, sampling used is quota sampling. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires with three measuring instruments, namely the subjective well-being scale from Diener (2009), the self-compassion scale from Neff (2003), and the growth mindset scale from Chen (2021) which has reliability coefficients of 0.785; 0.747; 0.727. The results showed that the growth mindset effect on subjective well-being by (17.0%) and self-compassion effect on subjective well-being by (42.5%). Together, growth mindset and self-compassion affect subjective well-being by 32.0%. So with this it can be concluded that H1 is accepted, H2 is accepted and H3 is accepted. If the number or direction of the regression coefficient is positive ( + ) then the direction of the line increases (increases) while if it is negative ( - ) then the direction of the line decreases (decreases). In this study the positive regression value can be stated that growth mindset and self-compassion have a positive effect on subjective well-being in adolescents. The results and discussion of the study will be discussed further in the article.</em></p> 2023-11-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Psikologi ANXIETY ISN'T THAT BAD: THE ROLE OF ECO ANXIETY AGAINST PRO-ENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIOR AMONG YOUNG ADULTHOODS IN JAKARTA 2023-04-10T15:38:20+07:00 Afifah Salsabila Yasinda Indah Rizki Wulandari Alysah Waldah <p><em>Some of the problems that exist in big cities, especially DKI Jakarta, are poor air quality, many polluted rivers, not rooted in flood management to the problem of waste. The National Waste Management Information System (2022) shows that the amount of waste in DKI Jakarta every day is around 8,527.07 tons, and in one year the waste in DKI Jakarta reaches 3,112,381.40 tons. In addition to increasing the ecological burden, the increasing waste problem can also cause physical problems that can have an impact on mental health or commonly referred to as eco anxiety (Clayton, 2020). This study aims to determine the role of eco anxiety on pro-environmental behavior (PEB) in early adult communities from various regions in Jakarta. The temporary research assumption is that eco anxiety plays a role in pro-environmental behavior (PEB) in Jakarta's early adult community (18-25 years old). The sample used as participants is the early adult age community in Jakarta totaling 147 participants (m age = 23 years, male = 46). The research was conducted using quantitative non-experimental methods and data collection was taken using accidental sampling techniques by distributing online questionnaire links on various social media channels. The eco anxiety variable was measured using the Eco Anxiety Scale (Hogg et al., 2021) consisting of 13 items with a Cronbach alpha value of 0.921 (has good reliability), while pro-environmental behavior (PEB) was measured using the Environmental Action Scale (Alisat &amp; Riemer, 2015) consisting of 18 items with a Cronbach alpha value of 0.960 (has good reliability). The results of this study can be used by practitioners engaged in the field of Social and Environmental Psychology as supporting information and knowledge, especially in designing interventions or persuasion programs to encourage pro-environmental behavior (PEB), the results of this study can also enrich the literature review of eco anxiety variables and pro-environmental behavior (PEB).</em></p> 2023-11-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Psikologi THE EFFECT OF ACADEMIC STRESS AND TIME MANAGEMENT ON ACADEMIC PROCRASTINATION IN STUDENT FACULTY PSYCHOLOGY UHAMKA 2023-04-10T15:45:54+07:00 Regitha Ananda Putri Anissa Rizky Andriany <p><em>Abstract</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Procrastination is the behavior of getting rid of activities or tasks that should be completed immediately. In the world of lectures, some students tend to do activities they like and leave things they don't like, such as academic affairs, so that the tasks to be completed end up piling up. The tendency to procrastinate is due to various factors such as time management problems or academic stress experienced by students. Academic stress is a response that is raised by individuals when they cannot meet academic demands. While time management is a person's ability to organize themselves in dealing with time by making a priority scale so that it is organized. This study aims to determine the effect of academic stress and time management on academic procrastination of UHAMKA psychology faculty students. This study uses a quantitative approach. Respondents in this study were 54 active psychology students selected using a purposive sampling technique. The time management measurement tool used the Time Management Behavior Scale (TMBS) with Cronbach alpha 0.883, academic stress used the Academic Stress Inventory (ASI) scale with Cronbach alpha 0.922 and procrastination used the Tuckman Procrastination Scale with Cronbach alpha 0.716. The collected data were analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis with the SPSS v.26 application. The results showed that the R value was 0.679 and the R Squere was 0.460, with a probability value of 0.000 (P&lt;0.001). This means that there is a significant effect of academic stress and time management on academic procrastination, with the contribution of time management and academic stress on academic procrastination in students of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka by 46.0 percent. </em><em>Furthermore, the results of the study of the academic stress variable obtained a value of β = -0.021 with a probability value of 0.861 (p&gt; 0.05) for academic procrastination. This means that there is no effect of academic stress on academic procrastination. While the time management variable has a value of β = -0.689 and has a probability value of 0.000 (p &lt;0.001) for academic procrastination. It can be interpreted that there is an influence of time management on academic procrastination. The better one's time management, the lower the academic procrastination.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: academic; academic stress; academic procastination; student; time management.</em></p> 2023-11-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Psikologi THE EXPERIENCE OF USING ONLINE COUNSELING SERVICES IN GENERATION Z 2023-05-08T12:56:10+07:00 Rahmat Noferdy I Wayan Nathan Fanza Tanaya Putu Adinda Mahadewi Restu Putri Made Diah Lestari <p><em>Currently, most people are starting to realize the importance of mental health, including Generation Z. This makes counseling services increasingly needed to deal with complaints related to mental health. Technological developments have facilitated the emergence of platforms that provide online counseling services so that they can be accessed by everyone, especially Generation Z. This study aims to find out the experience of using online counseling services for Generation Z so that later they can be used as evaluation material in improving and developing online counseling services. This research is qualitative research using the constructive realism method in the form of an open-ended survey that is distributed online. The survey was made to find out what platforms or websites were used by respondents, what was the respondent's experience in using online counseling, respondents' reasons for choosing online counseling, what were respondents' expectations of online counseling services, services that had met respondents' expectations, the quality of the platform used, the quality of psychologists in providing online counseling services, perceived advantages, and disadvantages of online counseling, as well as ways to improve the quality of online counseling services according to respondents. Thematic analysis was carried out on data from 33 respondents who had accessed online counseling. The majority of respondents expect that online counseling will provide a solution to their problems. Based on the research conducted, 51.5% of respondents considered that there was good quality in terms of the platform they used and 42.4% of respondents considered that there was good quality in terms of the psychological services they received. In addition, as many as 54.5% of respondents also had good experiences when accessing online counseling services from the platforms they used. Online counseling services were chosen because they are considered cheaper, have more secure privacy, have more flexible timing, can be accessed anywhere, and minimizes the negative stigma they receive when consulting about perceived complaints. On the other hand, online counseling has several limitations, such as the duration of counseling which tends to be short, psychologists who are felt to be less professional, and limitations on platform features that need to be improved.</em></p> 2023-11-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Psikologi THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND JOB SATISFACTION IN GEN Z ASN ASN IN INDONESIA 2023-05-08T12:57:48+07:00 Sayyidah Tsabita Rosyada Salma Ilafisani Rasila Firli Anas Tasya Hifi Angellia Salma Andinie <p><em>The State Civil Apparatus (ASN) is the prime mover in realizing national development, whose performance is important to note. The performance of ASNs can not be separated from the influence of job satisfaction, where this is influenced by various factors including workload, salary, promotions, supervision, colleagues, and working conditions. The composition of ASN in Indonesia consists of several generations, namely the younger generation (Gen Z) and the older generation (Gen X and Y). In contrast to Gen X and Y, Gen Z currently tends to pay more attention to job satisfaction factors. According to Gen Z, the performance they put into work must be directly proportional to the results of the job satisfaction they will get. Therefore it is important to measure job satisfaction in ASN Gen Z. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of significance between job satisfaction of ASN Gen Z and organizational culture in the existing bureaucratic system. This study uses a quantitative approach and survey research using the short form Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire with 20 statement indicators about various aspects of work. Measurement of work level using a Likert scale and satisfaction scores, and analyzed through a plot correlation test. Respondent data was obtained by distributing questionnaires online to ASN Gen Z. The results showed that there was a significant and positive relationship between the job satisfaction level of ASN Gen Z and organizational culture. In other words, the condition of organizational culture is positively related to the level of job satisfaction. In addition, the results of the study indicate that there are differences in the level of job satisfaction with the culture of government organizations so that it reads that currently not all government organizations uphold a good organizational culture in accordance with the rules. With these results it is hoped that a good organizational culture in the bureaucratic system can be implemented thoroughly and high job satisfaction can be achieved by all ASN.</em></p> 2023-11-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Psikologi