Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL)
<p><strong>Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL)</strong> is an Open Access Journal published by the Department of Geography Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka and collaborated with <strong><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lDldiFJaGAo_gry3qvlp3OqYJ-gHpPmp/view?usp=drive_link">Ikatan Geograf Indonesia (IGI)</a></strong>. It has been accredited by the Ministry of Research and Technology/BRIN with Certificate Number <strong>200/M/KPT/2020</strong> <strong><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l1mvngF5vWeDwWDtqkdOMm0G8uRimxT3/view" target="_blank" rel="noopener">(Download Certificate)</a></strong>, which is ranked in <a href="https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/journals/profile/6941"><strong>SINTA 3</strong> </a>. Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL) concerns with geography education, physical geography, social geography, Geographic Information Science which releases twice in a year (January and July).</p>Pendidikan Geografi Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamkaen-USJurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL)2579-8499Dinamika Indeks Kekeringan Terhadap Perubahan Iklim Di Sub-DAS Upper Brantas, Jawa Timur
<p><em>Drought is one of the significant impacts of climate change that affects water availability, agricultural productivity and ecosystem sustainability. This research aims to analyze the drought index in the Upper Brantas River Sub-Watershed (DAS) area, which plays an important role in the agricultural sector of the local community. The drought index is calculated based on the ratio of annual precipitation to annual potential evapotranspiration, with precipitation and evapotranspiration data obtained from the Global Agro Ecological Zone (GAEZ) V4 Data Portal. This research utilizes the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 4.5 and RCP 8.5 climate change scenarios in four time periods: 1981–2010, 2011–2040, 2041–2070, and 2071–2100. The results show that precipitation tends to decrease under RCP 4.5, while RCP 8.5 shows fluctuations, but remains higher than the RCP 4.5 value. In contrast, potential evapotranspiration shows a significant increase, especially in the RCP 8.5 scenario. The combination of these changes produces a drought index pattern that tends to decrease, so that the Upper Brantas Subwatershed area becomes drier, with worse impacts in the RCP 8.5 scenario. Spatial analysis revealed a strong negative correlation between potential evapotranspiration and drought indices, confirming the role of evapotranspiration in exacerbating drought conditions. This research can be the basis for recommendations by emphasizing the urgency of adaptation to climate change, such as managing water resources, increasing farmer capacity, and optimizing sustainable agricultural practices, in order to minimize the impact of drought on the sustainability of the Upper Brantas Subwatershed area.</em></p>Mahmud ZakariyahNovi SilviaEvi Fitriana
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL)
2025-01-302025-01-309111410.22236/jgel.v9i1.15074GIS-Based Analysis Of Location And Environmental Impact Of The Rice Distribution Network In Tasikmalaya
<p>Beras adalah komoditas makanan pokok yang paling vital bagi lebih dari 90% penduduk Indonesia, tetapi terjadinya penurunan produksi beras karena beberapa faktor, termasuk ketidakefisienan dalam rantai pasokan beras sehingga efisiensi distribusi menjadi sangat penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengukur lokasi optimal dari pusat distribusi dan emisi dari jaringan distribusi beras di Tasikmalaya, dan 2) merumuskan strategi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi jaringan distribusi dan mengurangi emisi. Metode analisis spasial menggunakan bantuan QGIS untuk mengidentifikasi Pasar Cikurubuk sebagai pusat distribusi beras di Tasikmalaya, dan berdasarkan analisis lokasi menggunakan teknik Load-Distance Technique, Location factor rating dan Weighted Multi Criteria Overlay Analysis (WMCA). Hasil dietahui jika Pasar Cikurubuk sudah berada pada daerah yang opimal sebagai pusat distribusi. Emisi gas buang yang dihitung dengan membandingkan jarak tempuh total kendaraan (VKT), konsumsi bahan bakar, dan faktor emisi yang dihasilkan dari aktivitas pengantaran beras dari 22 unit penggilingan padi ke Pasar Cikurubuk dihasilkan emisi tahunan sebesar CO 1,2 ton, HC 0,26 ton, NOx 2,54 ton, PM10 0,20 ton, CO2 41,99 ton, SO2 0,12 ton. Membangun Pasar Induk Singaparna sebagai pusat distribusi baru, berdasarkan simulasi analisis jaringan, terbukti dapat meningkatkan efisiensi jaringan distribusi beras, mengurangi total jarak tempuh dan emisi sebesar 6,16% dan pengurangan konsumsi bahan bakar sebesar 5,45%.</p>Dicky Surya Kurnia PutraDarda EfendiEny Widajati
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL)
2025-01-302025-01-3091153210.22236/jgel.v9i1.16251Tingkat Perkembangan Wilayah Kabupaten Dan Kota Di Pulau Jawa
<p><em>Java Island has experienced rapid development in Indonesia, with a dense population and a crucial role in the trade, industry, services, culture sectors, as well as being the nation's food basket. Its economic growth has been driven by high urbanization in recent decades, creating new growth centers and increasing the demand for infrastructure. However, urbanization also presents challenges such as the emergence of megaregions, urban bias, and regional disparities. This study aims to determine the development level of regencies/cities in Java Island and the spatial patterns of their development. The method used is quantitative descriptive analysis with scaling techniques, Moran's I, and LISA. The dimensions used include economy, social, infrastructure and services, environmental, and ICT, consisting of 15 variables. The results show that in 2022, 31 regencies/cities on Java Island were classified as having a high level of development, 36 at a moderate level, and 52 at a low level. The regional development index on Java Island shows variations, where the economic and social dimensions are dominated by large cities such as Jakarta and Surabaya, while regions with lower indexes are spread across East Java. The infrastructure and services, as well as the ICT dimensions, show significant disparities, with areas like the Thousand Islands excelling in infrastructure access, while Lebak Regency and Cimahi City face limitations. Most regencies/cities are still at a low level of regional development, requiring interventions to improve infrastructure, the economy, and the quality of life to achieve more equitable development. The emerging spatial patterns show clustering or positive autocorrelation around metropolitan areas. There is a need for equity strategies to reduce disparities between regions, especially those far from metropolitan or megaregion areas.</em></p>Abila Krisna WardanaLutfi Muta'ali
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL)
2025-01-302025-01-3091336110.22236/jgel.v9i1.15896Geospatial Analysis Of Noise Pollution From Power Plant Operations In Urban Residential Areas: A Study of PLTD Telaga, Gorontalo Province
<p>Seiring dengan pertumbuhan populasi dan urbanisasi yang pesat, kebisingan telah menjadi masalah serius yang terus dalam lingkungan pemukiman perkotaan. Berbagai aktivitas manusia seperti transportasi, konstruksi, industri, serta kegiatan komersial berkontribusi signifikan terhadap kebisingan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kebisingan yang dihasilkan oleh Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Diesel (PLTD) Telaga, Provinsi Gorontalo, serta distribusinya pada area pemukiman di sekitarnya menggunakan pendekatan geospasial. Kebisingan dari operasional PLTD Telaga berpotensi memberikan dampak negatif pada kualitas hidup masyarakat, terutama terkait gangguan kesehatan fisik dan mental. Penelitian ini menggabungkan metode pengukuran kebisingan dengan analisis spasial berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) untuk memetakan distribusi kebisingan. Pengukuran dilakukan pada berbagai titik di sekitar PLTD dan pemukiman dengan menggunakan <em>Sound Level Meter</em>. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis untuk mengetahui tingkat kebisingan pada waktu beban normal dan beban puncak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kebisingan di area kerja PLTD secara signifikan melebihi ambang batas yang diperbolehkan, yaitu mencapai 109-110 dBA, sementara kebisingan di area pemukiman bervariasi antara 50-77 dBA. Hasil analisis spasial menunjukkan bahwa distribusi kebisingan tertinggi berada di area sekitar mesin PLTD dan sebagian kecil area pemukiman terdekat. Temuan ini menunjukkan perlunya tindakan mitigasi seperti pengaturan jam kerja, penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD), dan perbaikan tata ruang untuk mengurangi dampak kebisingan terhadap masyarakat sekitar. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan dalam perencanaan tata ruang kota dan pengelolaan lingkungan yang lebih baik di sekitar area PLTD Telaga.</p>Irawan MatalapuMohamad JahjaDaud Yusuf
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL)
2025-01-302025-01-3091627710.22236/jgel.v9i1.16851Analisis Spasial Risiko Bencana Kebakaran Hutan Dan Lahan Di Kabupaten Pesawaran
<p><em>Forest and land fires are common natural disasters in Indonesia, impacting ecology, economy, and community welfare. This study aims to calculate the spatial risk of Karhutla in Pesawaran Regency as an initial step in disaster management. The data comes from Landsat 8 (OLI) satellite images, slope maps, road maps, rivers, and land cover of Pesawaran Regency. This disaster risk assessment method refers to Decree from the BNPB Head Number 2 on year 2012 with three risk components in the form of vulnerability, hazard, and capacity indices. The hazard index was analyzed using hazard assessment variables, spatial analysis, and attribute analysis. The index of vulnerability is conducted by analyzing the conditions and characteristics of the community and its environment to calculate which factors reduce the ability to cope with disasters. The capacity index is calculated based on five leading indicators: disaster management rules and institutions, early warning systems and disaster risk assessments, disaster education, essential risk factor reduction, and preparedness development at all levels. The calculated hazard, vulnerability, and capacity indices were then combined to assess the risk level of land and forest fire disasters. An analysis from forest and land fire disaster risk assessment results in Pesawaran Regency shows that majority of the area have a medium risk. The largest sub-district with a low-risk level is in Pandan Island Sub-district with an area of 11,332.6 hectare, and the largest sub-district with a high level is in Tegineneng Sub-district of 11,558.3 hectare area, followed by Gedong Meneng sub-district. These sub-districts could be prioritized for a holistic and integrated scheme to add capacity index by all stakeholders.</em></p>Nirmawana SimarmataZulfikar Adlan NadzirLea Kristi AgustinaGoldie Melinda WijayantiMuhammad Giovani
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL)
2025-01-302025-01-3091789710.22236/jgel.v9i1.14520Visualisasi Spasial Jalur Pendakian: Studi Kasus Di Gunung Muria
<p><em>Mount Muria, located in Kudus Regency, has immense natural potential as a destination for special-interest tourism, particularly hiking. However, its development and utilization remain suboptimal. One major challenge is the lack of structured and accessible information about hiking trails, making it difficult for visitors to plan their hikes. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of hiking trails on Mount Muria. The research focuses on the trails in Rahtawu Village, specifically Natas Angin Peak and Peak 29. Data were collected through field surveys involving direct observation, documentation (travel distance, time, slope, and facilities), and trekking (coordinates of checkpoints and facilities). The analysis employs a percentage descriptive method to evaluate hiking trail scores based on distance, slope, time, and facilities. Results show that the Natas Angin trail is 3,720 meters long with an average slope of 30.33%, leading to a longer travel time of approximately 204 minutes. In contrast, the Peak 29 trail is 5,004 meters long with a gentler slope of 15%, allowing for a shorter travel time of about 192 minutes. While shorter, the Natas Angin trail is more challenging, making it better suited for experienced hikers, whereas Peak 29 is more suitable for beginners. This study provides valuable information for hikers to plan their trips and emphasizes the importance of optimizing trail information to improve safety and comfort during hikes on Mount Muria.</em></p>Zidan Wahyu SaputraAziz Akbar Mukasyaf
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL)
2025-01-302025-01-30919811210.22236/jgel.v9i1.16152Moderate Replacement Fertility: Independence Dimension Variables Of Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia In 2023
<p>Studi ini menganalisis kondisi sosial ekonomi dan digital di seluruh Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, fokus pada kesenjangan antara daerah perkotaan dan pedesaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesenjangan sosial ekonomi dan digital antara daerah perkotaan dan pedesaan di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Fokusnya adalah memahami variabel kunci seperti pendapatan, kepemilikan aset, kondisi perumahan, akses internet, dan tingkat putus sekolah untuk merekomendasikan intervensi kebijakan yang terarah. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif dengan data sekunder dari Pengumpulan dan Pemutakhiran Data Keluarga 2023 oleh BKKBN. Analisis dilakukan dengan statistik deskriptif untuk mengidentifikasi pola dan tren, dengan hasil disajikan secara visual melalui grafik dan diagram untuk pemahaman yang komprehensif. Pembersihan dan pemeriksaan konsistensi data dilakukan untuk memastikan integritas data sebelum analisis. Metodologi ini memberikan wawasan tentang variabel dimensi kemandirian yang membentuk dinamika sosial ekonomi dan digital di Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa daerah perkotaan seperti Bantul dan Sleman secara konsisten melaporkan tingkat stabilitas ekonomi yang lebih tinggi, kondisi perumahan yang lebih baik, dan akses yang lebih besar ke media digital, sementara daerah pedesaan, termasuk Kulon Progo dan Gunung Kidul, menghadapi tantangan di daerah ini. Kesenjangan ini menyoroti perlunya intervensi kebijakan yang ditargetkan untuk meningkatkan infrastruktur digital, peluang ekonomi, dan layanan publik di daerah pedesaan.</p>Seri AryatiSukamdiUmi Listyaningsih
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL)
2025-01-302025-01-309111312610.22236/jgel.v9i1.16945Analisis Pengembangan Wilayah Berdasarkan Tingkat Sosial Ekonomi Di Provinsi Bengkulu Tahun 2023
<p><em>The social and economic sectors are need to be considered in assessing the level of development of a region. Bengkulu Province located on the west coast of the island of Sumatra has a contribution to Indonesia's GDP of 0.47%, which is a relatively small contribution of less than 1%. This aim of research is knowing the level of regional development in Bengkulu Province, by examining the social and economic sectors. The method is descriptive quantitative, quantitative analysis is used to analyze the level of regional development; then descriptive analysis is used to explain the phenomena that occur related to the level of regional development in Bengkulu Province. The level of regional development from the social sector, shows that most of them are in high qualifications (developed regions), this concludes that development related to the social sector is quite evenly distributed, only Lebong regency has a low classification level (underdeveloped) in contrast to the economic sector. That occurs in Bengkulu Province is mostly at the low classification level (underdeveloped regions), only Bengkulu City which is at high level, and North Bengkul Regancy with a medium level (developed). The Bengkulu Provincial Government needs to pay attention of areas with low classification (underdeveloped), especially in Lebong Regency with low classification (underdeveloped) in the social and economic sectors.</em></p>Redo SaputroMartina Ayu Sejati
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL)
2025-01-302025-01-309112714010.22236/jgel.v9i1.14468Visualisasi Spasial Akulturasi Bahasa Bugis Terhadap Masyarakat Suku Tolaki Di Kecamatan Samaturu Kabupaten Kolaka
<p><em>The familiarity of social life between the Bugis and Tolaki communities in Samaturu District, Kolaka Regency covers various sectors of life, so that it affects the way of communication of the indigenous people, especially the Tolaki people, it causes a process of cultural acculturation in the form of the language used in the Tolaki people, therefore this needs to be visualized spatially and identify the factors that cause it. This study aims to provide a spatial visualization of Bugis language acculturation to the Tolaki community and the factors that cause the Tolaki community to be able to use Bugis language in communicating with Bugis community groups in Samaturu Sub-district, Kolaka Regency. The respondents of the study amounted to 339 Tolaki people spread across 14 villages in Samaturu District, Kolaka Regency. Data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed in a quantitative descriptive manner. The results of the study concluded that there are 10 villages where the Tolaki people are fluent in Bugis language and there are 4 villages where the Tolaki people are not fluent but still know the meaning of the Bugis language. In addition, there are three main factors that cause the Tolaki community group to be fluent in using the Bugis language, the three factors are social interaction/social contact, living environment, and marriage. Even so. The fluency of the Tolaki Tribe community in Samaturu District, Kolaka Regency in using the Bugis language does ot necessarily eliminate its own regional languange, this shows that the acculturation process does not touch all cultural elements but only element regional languages that are learnend and used in communication</em></p>RisnawatiSudarwin KamurEko HariyadiNasarudinSamsi Awal
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL)
2025-01-302025-01-309114115410.22236/jgel.v9i1.14499Comparative Analysis Of Student Preparedness For Merapi Eruption: A Case Study Of SMAN 1 Cangkringan And SMAN 1 Pakem As Sister
<p>Program <em>sister school</em> didirikan sebagai bagian dari upaya peningkatan kesiapsiagaan bencana di lingkungan pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kesiapsiagaan siswa dan mengidentifikasi perbedaan kesiapsiagaan antara dua sekolah “<em>sister school</em>”, yaitu SMAN 1 Cangkringan dan SMAN 1 Pakem. SMAN 1 Cangkringan sangat terdampak selama bencana letusan besar Gunung Merapi pada tahun 2010, yang mengakibatkan harus dilakukan evakuasi sekitar 95% siswa dan kerusakan tempat tinggal siswa mencapai 30% rumah, serta mengakibatkan kematian sejumlah 5 orang di antara keluarga siswa SMAN 1 Cangkringan. Penilaian kesiapsiagaan kedua sekolah ini menggunakan empat indikator yaitu pengetahuan, rencana tanggap darurat, peringatan dini bencana, dan mobilisasi sumber daya. Populasi dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 101 responden dari kelas XI IPS, yang terdiri dari 50 siswa dari SMAN 1 Cangrkingan dan 51 siswa dari SMAN 1 Pakem. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain komparatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan data kuesioner dan menghasilkan temuan berupa: siswa di SMAN 1 Cangkringan memiliki skor indeks kesiapsiagaan sebesar 82,75, yang masuk ke dalam kategori sangat siap. Sementara, siswa di SMAN 1 Pakem memiliki skor indeks kesiapsiagaan sebesar 70,85, yang masuk ke dalam kategori siap. Berdasarkan analisis data menggunakan uji Mann Whitney, ditemukan bahwa nilai Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) adalah 0.001, karena nilai p kurang dari 0.05 (p = 0.001), yang berarti ada perbedaan signifikan dalam kesiapan siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa SMAN 1 Cangkringan memiliki kesiapan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan SMAN 1 Pakem, karena nilai rata-rata peringkat SMAN 1 Cangkringan lebih tinggi yaitu 60,77, sedangkan nilai rata-rata peringkat SMAN 1 Pakem adalah 41,03.</p>Siti Azizah SusilawatiElvina Dara PuspitaRatih Puspita DewiSiti Hadiyati Nur Hafida
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL)