UHAMKA Graduate School Thesis Abstract Collection https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA en-US UHAMKA Graduate School Thesis Abstract Collection Hubungan Sikap Kerja, Motivasi Dan Kepemimpinan dengan Kinerja Staf Pada Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang (UMT). Studi Kuantitatif Pada Program Studi Manajemen Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA (UHAMKA). https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1436 <p>The aim of this research is for obtaining information whether there is connection among attitude to work, motivation and leadership to the performance of employees of UMT.The type of this research is explanatory research that explains the connection of attitude to word, motivations and leadership to the performance of the employees of UMT. The writer got the data by collecting the questioners. The writer uses double regression analysis in doing his analysis.The result of the research shows that there is connection among attitude to word, motivation and leadership to the employees of UMT, with the&nbsp; determination contribution (R2) 0,987 or 98,7%. It was explained by another variable exclude the concept of the research and the linear of regression with the result Y=56,033 +0,322 X1 + 0,119 X2 -0,210X3. The result of the research shows that motivation variable is more dominant in influencing the performance of the employees of UMT with the value 0,322 whereas the connection of attitude to word variable is 0,322 and the connection of leadership variable is -0,210.From the result of the research, the writer concludes that the performance of the employees of UMT is more increased if the attitude to word, motivation and leadership are better. Attitude to word can be improved by giving training about more qualified attitude to word. Motivation can be done by encouraging the employees to do innovative working, giving award to the best employee, making plan and setting the goal to be achieved by the foundation</p> Sugeng Siswondo Copyright (c) 2018-07-13 2018-07-13 2 Hubungan Profitabilitas dan Ukuran Perusahaan terhadap Laporan Keuangan Menurut Persepsi Auditor https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1434 <p>The purpose of this study was to determine empirically the relationship profitability, and the size of the company to timely submission of financial statements according to the perception auditor. three hypotheses in this study 1) The Relationship Company Size Of Corporate Financial Reporting Auditor According perception. 2) The Relationship Profitability Against Corporate Financial Reporting Auditor According Perception 3) The Company's Relationship Profitability and Size jointly to the accuracy of financial reporting according to the perception of the auditor.This research was conducted in four public accounting firm that is Usman Saleh and Partners KAP, KAP Andiek Sumaryono and Partners, KAP Rica Angelina and Partners, KAP Jepta Silaban and Rekan.Sampel selected using purposive sampling and obtained a sample of respondents 32. Research data collection is done through questionnaires that have been in its validity and reliability.The method used is survey method with descriptive and associative approach because there are variables that will be explained and explored how big the influence of these variables. Statistical data analysis using non-parametric statistics using hypothesis testing, and t test.Of calculation hypothesis test and t test was concluded partially sized companies related to the timeliness of reporting the financial statements according to the perception of the auditor, while profitability is not related to the timeliness of financial reporting according to the perception of auditor, but with the same two variables are firm size and profitability related to the timeliness financial reporting according to the perception of the auditor.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nur Cholis Copyright (c) 2018-07-13 2018-07-13 2 Pengaruh Net Profit Margin dan Total Asset Turnover Terhadap Return On Assets Pada PT. Astra International Tbk Periode 2001 – 2008. https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1438 <p>This thesis aims to determine the effect on net profit margin of return on assets, total asset turnover of return on assets, as well as between the net profit margin and total asset turnover is common - equal to the return on assets. The hypothesis tested is: there is a positive influence and a significant net profit margin of return on assets. There is a positive influence and a significant total asset turnover of return on assets. There is a positive influence and significantly between the net profit margin and total assets turnover is common - equal to the return on assets. The method used in this research is descriptive method and verifikatif. Population in this research is PT. Astra International Tbk. And the sample of Financial Statements and Loss Balance Sheet - Profit .. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, for statistical hypothesis testing used a simple correlation, multiple and partial and multiple regression.The results showed that: First, there is a positive influence and a significant net profit margin of return on assets, with a correlation coefficient of ry1 = 0.694 α = 0.05 level. Second, there is a positive influence and a significant total asset turnover of return on assets, ry<sub>2</sub> correlation coefficient = 0.754 at α = 0.05 level. Third, there is a positive influence and significantly between the net profit margin and total asset turnover is common - equal to the return on assets by the regression equation Y = - 0.046 + 0.504 X<sub>1</sub> + 0.095 X<sub>2</sub>, Ry<sub>1.2</sub> correlation coefficient = 0.951 at the level of α = &nbsp;0, 05.The results of this study are expected to be useful for the improvement of the quality of financial reports of PT. Astra International Tbk to consider this conclusion. That the return on assets (Y) can be increased by increasing the net profit margin (X<sub>1</sub>) and Total Assets Turnover (X<sub>2</sub>).</p> Syafruddin Syafruddin Copyright (c) 2018-07-13 2018-07-13 2 Pengaruh Fasilitas Kerja (Berupa Pembukaan Gedung Baru, Perbaikan Interior Dan Layout) dan Motivasi Kerja Karyawan terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan di Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Taman Puring https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1439 <p>The aims of this thesis is to test whether there is an effect of work facilities (in the form of opening the new building, upgrading the interior and layout) and employee's work motivation toward employee's job satisfaction in Muhammadiyah Taman Puring Hospital (MTPH). The method of this research was causal survey using path analysis. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive analysis was used to determine the frequency distribution, total score, average score, standard deviation, mode, median, maximum score and minimum score, and illustrated by histogram. Inferential statistical was performed by calculating and testing the correlation coefficient (r), coefficient of determination (R<sup>2</sup>), and path coefficient (p).The result of this research shows that: There is a positive and significant direct effect of work facilities toward employee's job satisfaction, with a correlation coefficient (r<sub>13</sub>) of 0.570, coefficient of determination (R<sup>2</sup>) of 0.325 and path coefficient (P<sub>31</sub>) of 0.187. Work facilities have relative contribution of 32.50% on employee's job satisfaction, while the remaining of 67.5% is determined by the variable of work motivation and other variables which are not included within the scope of research. There is a positive and significant direct effect of employee's work motivation toward employee's job satisfaction, with a correlation coefficient (r<sub>23</sub>) of 0.686, coefficient of determination (R<sup>2</sup>) of 0.471 and path coefficient (p<sub>32</sub>) of 0.558. Employee's work motivation has relative contribution of 47.10% on employee's job satisfaction, while the remaining of 52.9% is determined by the variable of work motivation and other variables which are not included within the scope of research. There is a positive and significant direct effect of work facilities toward employee's work motivation, with a correlation coefficient (r<sub>12</sub>) of 0.687, coefficient of determination (R<sup>2</sup>) of 0.472 and path coefficient (p<sub>21</sub>) of 0.687. Work facilities give relative contribution of 47.20% on employee's job satisfaction, while the remaining of 52.8% is determined by other variables which are not included within the scope of research.Based on the research result, it is suggested that the MTPH enhancing and/or make improvements to the room's appearance in terms of interior and layout in order to be more comfortable to employees and more functional as intended. This condition will increase employee's work motivation and/or employee's job satisfaction.</p> Purnama Alam Furqan Copyright (c) 2018-07-13 2018-07-13 2 Hubungan Antara Disiplin Kerja, Motivasi Dan Pemberdayaan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Hotel Ciputra Jakarta https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1433 <p>The goal of research conducted to determine whether there is relationship of discipline, Motivation and fasility performance to Hotel Ciputra employees . Used as research method and the respondents are Hotel Ciputra employees. The type at the research is explanatory research, as this study describes&nbsp; the relationship of discipline, motivation and Empowerment performance to the employees . The data was collected through questionnaires. Multiple regression analysis is used to analyse the data. The result shows that discipline, motivation and Empowerment relationship employees , with the contribution of determination (R2) of 0,594 or 59,4%, while for 0,406 or equal to 40,6 % was explained by the variable other than the concept of research and the resulting regression equation is <strong>Y = 4,185 + 0,249X</strong><strong>1 + 0,159X</strong><strong>2 +0,335X</strong><strong>3</strong>, F-test results obtained for 13,631 &gt; 2.92 with a significance 0,000 &lt; 0,05, means variables of discipline, Motivation and Empowerment relationship simultaneously employees significantly. The result shows that the variables of Empowerment the has more dominant effect on the performance in the employees at Hotel Ciputra in the amount of 0,335, while the relationship of discipline variable is 0,249 and 0,159 for the relationship of motivation variable. From the results of the research also concluded that the performance on employees at Hotel Ciputra will increase more if the discipline, motivation and Empowerment are latter. Discipline can be improved by giving employees the opportunity to obtain higher education and better training quality, motivation can be done by encouraging employees to do innovative work, giving appreciation to outstanding employees and together make plans and set goals for company achievement.</p> Desi Chandra Copyright (c) 2016 Desi Chandra 2018-07-13 2018-07-13 2 Nilai-Nilai Religius Pembentuk Akhlak Mulia dalam Novel Assalamualaikum Beijing Karya Asma Nadia https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1431 <p>The study entitled "<em>Nilai-Nilai&nbsp; Religius&nbsp; Pembentuk&nbsp; Akhlak&nbsp; Mulia&nbsp; dalam Novel Assalamualaikum Beijing Karya Asma Nadia (Kajian Struktural Genetik)” </em>is a desrciptive qualitative study using genetic structural approach. The problems discussed in this research are (1) How is the intrinsic structure of <em>Assalamualaikum </em>Beijing novel by Asma Nadia?, (2) What are the religious values which develop good characters in <em>Assalamualaikum </em>Beijing novel from the point of view of the author. The objective of the research is to describe the intrinsic factors of Assalamualaikum Beijing novel, the religious values developing good characters in Assalamualaikum Beijing novel from the point of view of the author. The findings of the study are expected to be beneficial for the teachers of Bahasa Indonesia and Indonesian literature, students as teenagers, the resercher, and the society. The type of the reseach is qualitative descriptive with content analytical technique, while the reseach approach is genetic structural research emphasizing texts as the study objects. The data of this study are sentences, paragraphs, and discources written in <em>Assalamualaikum </em>Beijing novel. The source of the data of this study is <em>Assalamualaikum </em>Beijing novel by Asma Nadia published by PT Mizan Publika, Jakarta, in 2014. Based on the data analysis, it was found out that the religious values developing good characters in Assalamualaikum Beijing novel by Asma Nadia were the good characters to worship Allah SWT covering piety, sincerity, gratitude, obedience to follow Rasulullah, patience, good attitude towards parents, rights and obligations as husband and wife, attitudes with others, and attitiudes among teenagers. The study revealed 85 values forming good characters with the following details; 15 values of piety, 8 values of sincerity, 12 values of gratitude, 7 values of obedience to Rasulullah, 7 values of patience, 7 values of good attitude towards parents, 10 values of rights and obligations as husband and wife, 9 values of good attitude towards others, 8 values of attitude among teenagers. This study concludes that religious values cannot be separated from the influence of the society, family, friends, and self-willingness . Since the good values taken from Assalamualaikum Beijing novel can be used as the source of material for students' literature study, the values can be implemented in the learning of literature study in schools, especially High Schools.</p> Lala Nurmala Copyright (c) 2018-07-13 2018-07-13 2 Nilai Religius Dalam Novel Hafalan Shalat Delisa Karya Tere Liye Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Pembelajaran Apresiasi Sastra Di Sekolah Menengah Atas https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1432 <p>This thesis aims to reveal the religious values contained in the novel Hafalan Shalat Delisa by Tere Liye and Implications literary appreciation learning related to aspects of genetic structuralism. The method used is qualitative descriptive data is described in terms of the actual reality in the form of writing, then analyzed and interpreted objectively then described according to the research objectives. The process of data collection include observation, documentation and interview. The research instrument is the researchers themselves who assisted with job analysis tables. It was concluded that the novel Hafalan Shalat Delisa by Tere Liye&nbsp; contains many works of religious values such as faith, sharia and morality. It dkuatkan with the results of the analysis showed the value of faith by 21.88%, 28.13% and the value of sharia moral values sebsar 50%. Thus, in the novel Hafalan Shalat Delisa Tere Liye work is the most dominant moral values in the whole course of the story. Then to the intrinsic elements of a novel form of theme, plot, character and characterization, background, mandate, and style to form a unity intact and logical story, bursting with religious values. The implications of this study was associated with literary appreciation learning in high school (SMA) in particular novel Hafalan Shalat Delisa can be used as learning materials and applied in the learning process as outlined in the lesson plan. Besides religious values contained in the novel, helped establish character education learners.religious values</p> Heri Indra Gunawan Copyright (c) 2018-07-13 2018-07-13 2 Konflik Psikologis Tokoh dalam Novel Rindu Karya Tere Liye https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1441 <p>Research with title Psychological Conflict on Figures hearts Novel <em>Rindu, </em>by Tere Liye (Study Psychology Literature) "•is a research psychoanalyst kualitif research. Issues discussed in this research are: (1) How disposition possessed by the characters in the novel <em>Rindu </em>by Tere Liye ? (2). How is a form of psychological conflicts experienced by the characters in the novel <em>Rindu </em>work Tere Liye ? (3). What factors are causing psychological conflicts the characters in the novel <em>Rindu </em>by Tere Liye?&nbsp;This study is almed at knowing the characters in the novel <em>Rindu </em>by Tere liye. Methods used is research descriptive qualitative. Data sources of this study is novel <em>Rindu </em>the work of tere liye. Technique data analysis in this research was reduction data , presentation of data, and the withdrawal of conclusion. Dispositive figures gurutta having dispositive benevolent, likes to give advice, attention, a cleric famous, figures ambo uleng having dispositive a sailor bugis, not a quitter, sacrificing. Figures anna and elsa having dispositive plain as a child, figures daeng andipti having dispositive sacrificing. Figures Bonda upe&nbsp; you have a teacher quran reciting dispositive manner, Captain philips figure having the temper of a sailor great as well as benevolent. Father soerjaningrat having the nature of benevolent , sincere help , and happy teaching.&nbsp;The findingof this study are psychological conflict novel <em>Rindu </em>the work of tere liye thick with personality psychology. This novei containing psychology , especially personality which includes id , ego , and super ego. Of the three these aspects , ego the most comes up a lot or most owned by the leaders of . That personality appear because the figure having its own way to solve problems and made a choice well and wise. Personality each figures can control measures to be taken , choose segi-segi environment where he will give responses and decided insting-insting of those who will slaked and how to resolution .As gurutta figures, He has broad knowledge religion.By this he could help others in solve the problem.Kata-katanya that lemmbut wise and touched the heart and others that way it can be accepted.A figure gurutta always judge wisely.</p> Regi Ramadhani Copyright (c) 2016 Regi Ramadhani 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Hubungan Minat Baca dan Berpikir Kritis dengan Kemampuan Menulis Ilmiah https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1487 <p>This research aimed at determining the correlation between Reading Interest and Critical Thinking also to identify weather there is an interaction of both toward the ability of scientific writing. While critical thinking in this case is a process of thinking systematically in deciding the truth and exactness as well as confection based on logic, facts and language. The research was conducted at the State Junior High School 255, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta in 2013. The population is the students of grade IX of the State Junior High School 255, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, with samples taken as many as 71 students randomly. The method used is descriptive with correlation technique. The concept of research used descriptively and inferentially with analyze of double regression an simple correlation, double correlation and partial correlation at the significance level α = 0,05. The result shows there is a positive correlation between reading interest with scientific writing. There is a positive correlation between critical thinking with ability of scientific writing. There is a positive correlation altogether among reading interest and critical thinking with ability on scientific writing. Based on the findings in this research, it is stated that the writing ability can be increased by the students through the efforts of increasing reading interest and critical thinking.</p> Supriyati Supriyati Copyright (c) 2016 Supriyati Supriyati 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Perjuangan Perempuan dalam Dwilogi Novel Sekar Karya Muttaqwiati dan Iimpilkasinya dalam Pembelajaran Sastra di SMP https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1486 <p>This thesis in the result of research that expressed the fight of main character, a teenager in reacing her aspiration to continue to the higher education, beside that describe another character the support her to fight her aspiration. The method that used in this research is qualified method. The qualified research strategic method is analyzing that describe the data in this thesis in the form of teenage's to fight her freedom to determine her fortune in learning fight not only done in big cities but also in small village. The research can be concluded that the fight women in dwilogi novel <em>Sekar </em>created by Muttaqwiati said that the writer is a women, capable to describe the effort of main character Sekar as village teenager that fight for her aspiration to continue to the higher education (high Scholl) beside that also describe's fight. The implication in learning are in volving the role of students, contain vertical value, where adulth women can do the religion order freely. More over there are feminis value. The feminis value can be applicated on students in the form of respecting parents, have high learning aspiration, work, ethic, and high independence.</p> Badriyah Badriyah Copyright (c) 2016 Badriyah Badriyah 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Pluralisme Dalam Novel Rumah di Seribu Ombak serta Implikasinya Terhadap Pembelajaran Sastra di SMA https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1485 <p>This study aims to determine the elements of pluralism in the <em>House in a Thousand Waves </em>novel works of Erwin Arnada with structural genetic studies,&nbsp; and serve as an alternative learning materials Indonesian language and literature in high school This research is qualitative descriptive study with content analysis. The object of research is the <em>Houses in a Thousand Waves </em>novel work of Erwin Arnada. This study focuses on the element of pluralism that includes ethnic pluralism, political pluralism, pluralistic structure, the pluralist model, dual plural and media pluralism on the <em>House in a Thousand Waves </em>novel works of Erwin Arnada genetic and structural studies. The results showed that the <em>House in a Thousand Waves </em>novel work of Erwin Arnada, which analyzed had 60 sentences containing elements of pluralism, which is divided into ethnic pluralism 34 sentences, political pluralism second sentence, the structure of pluralistic 7 sentence, the pluralist model 9 sentence, dual pluralist 7 sentence and one sentence media pluralism. Based on the explanation proficiency level, ethnic pluralism which dominated the House in a Thousand Waves novel that tells about the harmonization of the immigrant population with the local population. Based on the analysis of 60 sentences pluralism and studied with genetic structuralism, there is an intrinsic element 102 is divided into the theme of 49 sentences, 21 sentences characterizations, plot 1 sentences, 17 sentences background, language style six sentences, and viewpoints 8 sentence. Then had 36 extrinsic elements are divided into social views author 6 sentences, 19 sentences work history, and 11 sentences of the author's worldview.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Aryo Febrian Copyright (c) 2016 Aryo Febrian 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Verba Transitif Dialek Melayu Betawi Bekasi pada Situn Bekasi (Puisi dan Pantun) karya Mohammad Guntur Elmogas https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1484 <p>This study aims to determine the transitive verbs of Malay dialect Betawi Bekasi with the focus of research on transitivity in the study of tagmemik on the book Situn Bekasi; Poetry (Situn) by Mohammad Guntur Elmogas. This research uses qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. The theory used is Tagmemik's theory pioneered by Kenneth L. Pike. The data obtained from the book review bookSitun Bekasi (Poetry) by Mohammad Guntur Elmogas. Data were analyzed using tagmemic formula based on three levels of grammatical hierarchy, it's clause analysis, phrase analysis, and word analysis. The analysis is through the selection of preliminary constructions, making work maps, checking work maps, interpretation of data, and formulation of rules, and the writing of formulas based on tagmemic theory.&nbsp; The validity of the data is examined through observational persistence, theoretical understanding, methodological understanding, and consultation. Here are the findings of this study which consists of: 694 transitive clauses, (1) 292 active declarative transitive clauses; (2) 367 passive declarative transitive clauses; (3) 3 active imperative transitive clauses; (4) 9 passive imperative transitive clauses; And (5) 23 passive transitive calories without the offender plus di-. Then, at the phrase level found 27 active declarative transitive verbal phrases, 165 passive declarative transitive verbal phrases, and 10 passive transitional verbal phrases without the prefixes plus the offender.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Rahmat Rahmat Copyright (c) 2016 Rahmat Rahmat 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Perubahan Sosial Masyarakat Jawa dalam Novel Suti Karya Sapardi Djoko Damono https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1483 <p>This research examines the process of social change that occurs in the Java community in Sapardi Djoko Damono's novel Suti in the approach of Genetic Structural Theory. The research method used in this research is to analyze the text and the structure of literature from the intrinsic aspect of characterization, setting, plot and point of view. While the text analysis of the genetic structuring approach, looking at social changes from aspects of the world view, the facts of humanity, social class and collective subjective. From the two approaches of text analysis of the intrinsic side and aspects of the structural genetic, will be known the process of social changes that occur in the Java community as told in the novel Suti. The findings of this study explain that the process of social change in Javanese society found in the novel Suti is evolutive and peaceful. No social upheaval or conflicts have occurred in the community during the process of social change. This is because the community culture in the village that is open to the migrants, tolerant and egalitarian community so that it can accept the process of change that occurred. The process of social change in society occurs in two groups, namely the lower society (the poor) represented by the figure Suti, and social changes in the upper circles are represented from the family Pak Sastro, the background priyayi. Social change at the lower level occurs when Suti is from a poor family, living and working in Pak Sastro's family. Suti undergoes a process of transformation and change with a lot of learning and understanding of the cultural life of the priyayi family. Suti experiences accelerated learning in terms of experience and knowledge while living in a Priyayi family environment. Many advances in knowledge and life experiences received by Suti while in the family environment. The implications of this study on literary learning in high school recommend that the appreciation of the learning of literary works in SMA is done in a multidisciplinary way. This means that a literary work must also involve other disciplines such as sociology, history, anthropology and others. Thus, high school students can understand, live a literary work more fully.</p> Fawziah Fawziah Copyright (c) 2016 Fawziah Fawziah 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Puisi Melalui Teknik Pembelajaran Kolaboratif https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1475 <p>This study aims to improve the skills of writing poetry class XII student of SMK Prima Unggul AK through collaborative engineering. This type of research is the Classroom Action Research (PTK). Subjects in this study were students of class XII SMK Prima Unggul AK ciledug academic year 2015/2016 totaling 40 students. This action research was conducted in two cycles each cycle there are four components, namely planning (planning), action (acting), observation (observing) and reflection (reflecting). Data collection techniques such as observation, interviews, questionnaires, tests, field notes, documents student assignments, and documentation of the learning activities. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques of qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative data analysis is used for the qualitative data such as the results of field observations, field notes and interviews. Analysis of quantitative data used for quantitative data obtained from the test writing poetry before and after given action. The results of this study indicate that the application of engineering collaboration can improve the skills of writing poetry class XII student of SMK Prima Unggul AK ciledug. Process improvement can be seen in the implementation of the learning process that lasted more efficient and conditions of pupils more active role in learning to write poetry because activity is a fun activity.</p> Lisa Novia Copyright (c) 2016 Lisa Novia 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Perilaku Sosial Tokoh Utama Novel Berteman Dengan Kematian Catatan Gadis Lupus Karya Sinta Ridwan https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1474 <p>This study aims to determine the social behavior contained in the novel Death Note Girl Friend With Lupus works Sinta Ridwan, with an overview of Psychology literature so that the novel can be used as teaching material in high school literature appreciation. The method used in this research is descriptive with content analysis techniques. The object of this study is novel Death Note Girl Friend With Lupus works Sinta Ridwan. The focus in this study social behavior and examines the psychology literature in the novel. Trends in social behavior include Role, Sosiometrik trend, trend Expression. In psychology literature covering Id, Ego, Super Ego. The research instrument that is the researchers themselves who assisted with analysis tables based on the focus of research. Issues addressed in this study is the first, How novel structure depicted in the novel as Friend With Death Note Lupus Girl ?. Second, How novel social behavior Friend With Death Note Lupus Girl ?. Third, How social behavior in the study of psychology literature novel Death Note Girl Friend With Lupus? The results of this study are expected to increase students' interest in reading, especially reading literary novels. In addition to further improve the teachers teaching literature appreciation by using a more varied and effective, so as to increase students' interest towards learning literature appreciation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Putri Azzellya Copyright (c) 2016 Putri Azzellya 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Hubungan Sikap Terhadap Sastra Dan Kemampuan Memahami Cerita Dengan Keterampilan Menulis Deskripsi https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1473 <p>This study aims to know whether there is a relationship between attitudes toward literature and the ability to understand the story with a description writing skills. This research was conducted at SMA Pelita Bangsa South Tangerang in February to September of the school year 2016/2017. This method which is used in this research is descriptive method with survey and correlation. The sample in this research was all students of grade X with 40 people. Attitude instrument to literature using questionnaire test by the number 40 questions, the ability to understand the story was using multiple choice test by the number 35 questions while a description writing skills using the result of writing. Before the data was analyzed first performed the trial data with the instrument test the validity and reliability testing using a correlation formula Pearson Product Moment and Point Biserial. The result of analyzing showed that: (1) based on the significance test of correlation between the pair of scores to literature (X<sub>1</sub>) with a description writing skills test (y) was obtained t=4,99&gt;t=1,70 at a very level significance of α=0,005, so it can be concluded that coefficient correlation r=0,629 very significance. This finding concludes that there is a relationship between attitude to literature with a description writing skills test. (2) Based on the significance test of correlation between the pair of score of ability to understand the story (X<sub>2</sub>) with a description writing skills test (Y) was obtained t=0,577 t=1,70 at level significance α=0,05, so it can be concluded that correlation coefficient 0,577 very significance. This finding concludes that there is a positive relationship between ability to understand the story with a description writing skills test, (3) based on the result of calculation were obtained plural correlation coefficient R of 0,719 if it is consulted with F<sub>table</sub> list with α=0,05 be 3,26 , so it can be concluded that plural correlation coefficient which obtained in this research is significance. These findings reject zero hypothesis, that there is no positive relationship collectively between attitudes to literature (X<sub>1</sub>), ability to understand the story (X<sub>2</sub>) with a description writing skills test (y), it's consequently H<sub>1</sub> accepted, that there is a positive relationship together between attitudes to literature (X<sub>1</sub>), the ability to understand story (X<sub>2</sub>) with a description writing skills test (Y). This research is expected as a contribution to teachers especially high school teachers. They should draw attention to their students aware of the importance of literature for life. Teacher can also provide exercise and homework for the students because understanding the story takes quite a long time. In presenting the subject matter to write a description of various methods should be used so that students do not get bored and it would be nice if it is supported by the media to the characteristics of learning, so that the learning process can run effectively.</p> Thea Umbarasari Copyright (c) 2016 Thea Umbarasari 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Hubungan Kebiasaan Membaca dan Penguasaan Kosakata Dengan Kemampuan Memahami Bacaan https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1472 <p>The research entitled correlation of reading habit and vocabulary to reading comprehension abilities, aims to determine whether there is a significant correlation between the habit of reading and vocabulary to reading comprehension abilities. This research is research that examines two independent variables on the dependent variable. Two independent variable questions are the habit of reading (X<sub>1) </sub>and vocabulary (X<sub>2</sub>), while the reading comprehension ability is the dependent variable (Y), therefore this study using a quantitative approach to the correlation technique. Data were collected using the instruments is shaped in the form of a questionnaire scale and a test, developed by researchers multiple choice with four (4) options. Results of this study can be seen in the data analysis consisting of a data description with each variable of research, testing analytical requirements, hypothesis testing and discussion of research results, once held hypothesis testing results show that the three hypotheses are significant correlated. Result show that (1) there is a positive correlation between the habit of reading with reading comprehension ability; (2) there is a positive correlation between vocabulary to reading comprehension ability; (3) there is positive correlation between the habit of reading and vocabulary equal to the ability to understand the reading.</p> Farida S Copyright (c) 2016 Farida S 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Laporan Observasi Melalui Model Pembelajaran Kontekstual Pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 85 Jakarta https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1471 <p>In accordance with the existing problems , the purpose of this research that is, to know how high increased capacity writing a report through observation kind of classroom contextual students Grade VIII 85 Junior High School of jakarta . Research that is used is the act of research .The act of research is research in the form of measures in the cycle to produce an increase of were being explored. The act of research is that research focus on the series of activities consisting of four measures , including planning ( planning ) , the act of ( action , observation, observing ) , and reflection ( reflecting ) .A subject in this research is a student of Grade VIII 85 Junior High School of jakarta consisting 36 students . On the cycle used i this kind of classroom Contextual in improved the skills of writing a report students Grade VIII 85 Junior High School of jakarta .In I this cycle , only 11 ( eleven ) students who has successfully in accordance with criteria ketuntasan minimum &amp; amp; # 8804; 70 .After doing reflection based on the research cycle I , so disusunlah action plan on cycle ii .Action against cycle II equal to action against cycle I namely use the model learning contextual .In cycles II , can be obtained data that all students increased in accordance criteria minimum, which reached good success 82.29 From the&nbsp; data analysis cycle I until cycle II happened an increase of 14.81 .From the data analysis praintervensi to cycle I happened an increase of 16.32 .</p> Sumartin Sumartin Copyright (c) 2016 Sumartin Sumartin 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Aspek Sosial dalam Novel 5 cm Karya Donny Dhirgantoro https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1464 <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>The study entitled "Social Aspects of the Novel 5 cm work Donny Dhirgantoro (Sociological Approaches to Literature)" is a description of a qualitative research approach to the sociology of literature. Issues addressed in this study are: (1) How does the social aspect which is described in the novel 5 cm written by Donny Dhirgantoro? (2) How does the social aspect in terms of the intrinsic structure of the novel 5 cm? (3) How does the social aspect of the novel 5 cm from the viewpoint of the author? The purpose of this study was to describe the intrinsic elements of novel 5 cm. The social aspect is contained in the novel 5 cm. The results of this study are expected to be useful for Indonesian Language and Literature Teachers, researchers themselves and society. This research method is qualitative description, whereas the research approach is sociological approach that emphasizes literary texts as an object of study. The data in this study is a word, phrase, clause, sentence, and discourse contained in the novel 5 cm. The object of this study is novel 5 cm of the issuer PT. Grasindo, Jakarta, 2005. Data collection methods used were of Library Studies. The instrument of this study is the researchers themselves to use qualitative data analysis tables refer to qualitative data analysis Emzir. The results of this study are: the intrinsic elements, there are four that are the focus, namely: the theme, characters, plot, and setting. The four elements are mutually reinforcing and together to build a narrative integrity of the novel 5 cm, the author describes the social aspect through the events that build the storyline. Way of thinking of the characters, the dialogue between characters, and the background of events, both physical and social background.</p> Ita Purnowowati Copyright (c) 2016 Ita Purnowowati 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Penelitian dengan judul Nilai- Nilai Budaya dalam Novel Karena Aku Tak Buta Karya Redy Kuswanto https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1465 <p>Research under the title "cultural values in Novel Because I'm Not Blind Work Redy Kuswanto (Structural Genetic Studies)" is a qualitative descriptive peneliyian genetic structural approach. Issues addressed in this study are: (1) How do cultural values based culture form the novel Because I'm Not Blind Kuswanto Redy Work? (2) How does the cultural values of tangible ideas, ideas, or view in the novel Because I'm Not Blind? (3) How do cultural values that tangible behaviors, activities or acts in a novel Because I'm Not Blind? (4) How do cultural values of tangible objects, artifacts or works in a novel Because I'm Not Blind? (5) What cultural values contained in the novel Because I'm Not Blind Redy Kuswanto work in terms of worldview author? The purpose of this study was to decrypt the cultural values portrayed on all the intrinsic elements in the novel Because I'm Not Blind Kuswanto Redy work associated with the background of the author. The results of this study are expected to be useful for Indonesian teachers, students, researchers themselves, and society. This research method is qualitative description, whereas the research approach is genetic structural approach that emphasizes the text as an object of study. The data in this study is a sentence, a collection of sentences, a paragraph or a few paragraphs that make up the piece of the story and not a number. The data source of this research is the novel Because I'm Not Blind Kuswanto Redy works that are published by Pustaka Mandiri PT Triad in January 2015. The data collection method used is literature. The instrument of this study is the researchers themselves to use qualitative data analysis tables refer to qualitative data analysis Philip Mayring. The results of this study are intrinsic elements there are three that are the focus, the characters, plot, and setting. These three elements are mutually reinforcing and together to build a unity of narrative novel Because I'm Not Blind, the author describes the cultural values through the events that build the storyline, the character's mind Zad as the main character, dialogue antartokoh, and foreground-background events, both physical setting and background ambience.</p> Indri Anatya Permatasari Copyright (c) 2016 Indri Anatya Permatasari 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Nilai-Nilai Dakwah Islamiyah Pada Novel Api Tauhid Karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1458 <p>This research aims to find the Islamic da'wah values in <em>Api Tauhid </em>novel by Habiburrahman El Shirazy using genetic structural study. This research is qualitative research using content analysis technique. The researcher found the correlations between the content of the novel with the author's life. First, the characters of Hamza and Bilal who know the biography of a remarkable scholar Bediuzzaman Said Nursi in very detail, so that in the story they are able&nbsp; to tell Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's struggle coherently. Secondly, the depiction of the characters in the novel are very religious, especially the main character, Fahmi. Religious background is created no other than the <em>madrasah </em>he had to take, after which he was studying at boarding schools, and finally he was enrolled to study religion in the Middle Eastern country. Third, the story when Fahmi invited by his friend, Hamza (the Turks) to get around Turkey in memory of the history of the struggle of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Fourth, it is told in the novel about the Fahmi, Hamza and his friends' trip in Turkey. They visited various places that become the traces of the history of Islam and the struggle of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Based on the above correlation explained above, the author in his work cannot be separated from the circumstances of the surrounding community. In this case, the characteristics, ideological, political, economic, and social culture's influence on this Habiburrahman's work. Social culture that is attached to a work can be viewed from several aspects, such as: social culture, language, religion, employment, customs, arts, and others. The implication of this research is the implementation or application in High School which is expected to have a positive impact on students after studying the literature teaching topic. <em>Api Tauhid </em>novel may be one of the sources of teaching Indonesian subject for High School class XII in the second semester.</p> Fauziah Suparman Copyright (c) 2016 Fauziah Suparman 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Pemberontakan Kaum Muda terhadap Adat Minang dalam Novel Memang Jodoh Karya Marah Roesli https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1461 <p>This study aimed to obtain information about the resistance or rebellion against indigenous youth Minang culture contained in the novel <em>Memang Jodoh </em>by Marah Roesli by using a sociological approach to literature. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, with analysis of objects such as text in a novel based on the structure and extrinsic elements in the cultural aspect with the approach of sociology of literature. The results obtained from this research that addresses the issue sociology of literature and resistance to traditional Minang. In the analysis of sociology of literature identified in the system of culture, politics, ethics, religion, economics, and education. In the novel dating Indeed, sociologically, in Padang matrilineal society that is organized according to the structure of the maternal line. Therefore, every mother feels has the power to his son than his father. Customs in Padang, Padang tall nobleman should not marry someone from outside Padang because it is considered as a major humiliation in the eyes of Padang, especially over a women. Padang custom are binding should not be denied by society. If denied, the penalty for them is removed from the family and is no longer considered&nbsp; ethnic Padang. Furthermore, the results of the analysis of resistance to traditional Minang, Hamli as the main character in the novel is a figure of the young people who are forced to deal with customs attached. Resistance against indigenous young people can be in two forms, both physical and non-physical. Physically, as did Hamli, the resistance can be done by leaving the homeland for reasons uncomfortable someone about a problem customs. Furthermore, in non-physical to do with the debate, a rejection of the decision deliberation traditional leaders / family, and you can also academic education as high as possible in order to have more science to improve an outdated custom. At least those of them that are carried out by Hamli in the face of custom in his family.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Sri Wahyuningsih Copyright (c) 2016 Sri Wahyuningsih 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Nilai-Nilai Sosial Dan Budaya Dalam Babad Tanah Jawi Terjemahan W.L. Olthof Serta Implikasinya Dalam Pembelajaran Sastra Di SMA https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1459 <p>This study seeks to preserve the classic literature that shaped the history of the story Babad Tanah Jawi. The story associated with teaching literature in high school, so that students, teachers, readers and the public remain to recognize and preserve the Babad Tanah Jawi. The story contains ancestral values therein, tells the story of the royal triumph in the island of Java in terms of social and cultural. Methodology This study uses qualitative descriptive method with content analysis techniques and Roland Barthes semiotic approach. Social values assessed value is social associative divided into: cooperation, accommodation and assimilation. The social value disassociative divided into: competition, conflict and controversy. While the value of the culture being studied is divided into seven components: language, knowledge systems, social organization, equipment and technology life, livelihood, as religion, and the arts. Semiotic theory used by Roland Barthes which divides semiotic meaning by denotation and connotation. The results of this study as a whole that is the social value associative divided into: cooperation 43 citations, 15 citations accommodation and assimilation 40 citations. The social value disassociative divided into: competition 10 citations, 12 citations contention and controversy 12 citations. While the value of the culture being studied is divided into seven components: language 27 citations, 31 citations knowledge systems, social organizations 88 citations, live equipment and technology 31 citations, 19 citations livelihood, religious system 30 quotes and quotations art 3. The implications of these results are the link between teaching literature in high school to teach about Babad Tanah Jawi. Because the Babad Tanah Jawi's story introduces us about the social and cultural contained in Java, as well as efforts in preserving classic literature.</p> Fifi Nofiyanti Copyright (c) 2016 Fifi Nofiyanti 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Nilai Religius pada Novel Bulan Jatuh di Pangkuanku Karya Muhammad Suwardi https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1456 <p>purposed to describe novel intrinsic element, religious values in Bulan Jatuh di Pangkuanku novel by Muhammad Suwardi and implication on literature appreciation learning. The method of this research was content analysis with qualitative descriptive approaching and the dynamic structural study. Qualitative descriptive approach was purposed to reveal the real fact, situation, and phenomenon. This analysis method is a technique was used to analyze and comprehend the text, explain as objective as from the content the novel used. The result showed that Bulan Jatuh di Pangkuanku novel by Muhammad Suwardi, based on areview of the religious value in Islam, can be grouped into four categories, they are<em>: first</em>, relationship between Allah and humans. It has&nbsp; seen that the humans must believe to Allah SWT, grateful of healthy, and Allah's mercy. We must be honest in rightness, in every situation we must pray to Allah and accept Allah's life fate. <em>Second</em>, relationship human and the others with religious value is we must appreciate, help each others, do honestly and appreciate the husband. <em>Third</em>, relationship human themselves, can be realized in preventing hopeless, arrogant, and greedy. We must be patient in facing the life. <em>Fourth</em>, relationship humans and the environment that let's preserve the nature and animal as their habitat. In this research hopefully the readers, students and teachers could appreciate popular novel as a learning material and giving motivation in applying positive life value, particularly religious.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Yeyet Kusmayati Copyright (c) 2016 Yeyet Kusmayati 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Hubungan Minat Membaca dan Penguasaan Retorika dengan Kemampuan Menulis Teks Pidato https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1460 <p>This thesis aims to find out how big the correlation relationship Interests Reading and Writing Ability Mastery rhetoric with Text To Speech to students of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Jakarta. The population in this study is the eighth grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Jakarta 135 the number of students. Samples were taken 50% in order to get a sample size of 68 students consisting of 2 (two) classes, VIII1 and VIII2. Collecting data using questionnaires, practical and written tests. Test requirements analysis test was used for normality, linearity and multicollinearity. The analysis technique used is the product moment correlation. This study used survey method as this method is considered appropriate to gather information or data that is used to determine the mutual relationship between the dependent variable, ie writing text to speech (Y) with independent variables, namely interest in reading (X1) and mastery of rhetoric (X2).&nbsp;Based on the results obtained in this study can be concluded as follows: (1) there is a positive and significant relationship between interest in reading by writing text to speech students of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Jakarta (ry.x1 = 0.45) at level α = 0, 05 this suggests that if the interest in reading is increased then write the speech text will increase. Vice versa, if the interest in reading low then write the speech text will also decrease. The coefficient of determination (r2 = 0.2025) indicates that 20.25% of variance determined to write text to speech reading interests. (2) there is a positive and significant correlation between mastery of rhetoric by writing a speech text three students of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Jakarta (ry.x2 = 0.46) at the level of α = 0.05. This shows that if the mastery of rhetoric increased then write the speech text will also increase. Vice versa, if the lower mastery of rhetoric it will also lower the level of writing text to speech. The coefficient of determination (r2 = 0.2116) indicates that 21.16% of variance to write text to speech is determined by the mastery of rhetoric; and (3) There is a positive and significant relationship between reading and mastery of rhetoric together with the written text to speech (ry-1.2 = 0.8 at the level of α = 0,05.hal This shows that if interest in reading and mastery of rhetoric together increased then write the speech text will also increase. the result of the determination coefficient (r2 = 0.59), which showed that 59% variance to write text to speech is determined by reading and mastery of rhetoric together.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Suwarto Suwarto Copyright (c) 2016 Suwarto Suwarto 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Eksposisi Melalui Teknik Umpan Balik https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1453 <p>This study aims to improve the ability to writing eksposisi class X SMA Negeri 56 Jakarta through feedback techniques. Through feedback techniques, improvement can be seen in the process and results. This research is an action research (Action Research) This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 56 Jakarta. The subjects class X-3 totaling 35 students. Implementation of this research is divided into three cycles, each cycle will be done twice meetings. Data were obtained through (1) questionnaire, (2) field notes, and (3) documentation of student assignments and photo documentation during the learning takes place. Data analysis technique conducted with qualitative descriptive technique. Criteria for success in this study can be seen from the changes better value in each cycle. The results obtained are as follows. (1) the use of feedback techniques to improve the quality of learning in students writing eksposisi. This is shown in the increase in aspects of the process learning situation, students focus more on learning, students are also more responsive, active and creative, and learning to writing eksposisi becomes more enjoyable. (1) the use of feedback techniques can improve the results of the ability to write exposition. This is seen in the increase in the average score before the given action, namely 63.28 after a given action cycle 1 score average to 67.19 there is an increase of 3.92, second cycle average score of 74.29 there was an increase of 7, 09 and at the end of the cycle three score average to 84.17 there is an increase of 9.89. Overall at the end of the third cycle of all aspects and criteria written eksposisi has increased significantly. Based on these results, we can conclude that through feedback techniques can increase the ability to writing eksposisi class X SMA Negeri 56 Jakarta.</p> Sri Yuliasih Copyright (c) 2016 Sri Yuliasih 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Produksi Ujaran Siswa Autis https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1462 <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This study is aimed to determine the speech production in students with autism at Lazuardi GIS Senior High School, Depok. The study is focused on speech production in students with autism in order to have knowledge of the structure and the type of sentences given by students with autism. This research was conducted in Lazuardi GIS Senior High School, Depok in August 2016. This study is formed with a qualitative case study method. The data of this study were collected by conducting a direct observation of speech production activity in students with autism. This involved multifaceted interviews for studies conducted to teachers, friends, and families of students with autism. To be included, all findings are recorded on a sheet of field observations and recording devices. The data for this study are analyzed in the form of the table and also had a described analysis. The speech result of students with autism had been qualified to be a complete sentence consists of a subject and predicate. In addition, the study was found that speech does not have an element of predicate as forms an incomplete sentence. Out of 59 utterances that have been collected, the study had most commonly found utterance directive, as total 32 utterances. As many as 20 representative utterance speech in total, and the study also found the 7 commissive speeches. Moreover, the study did not found the form of expressive and declarative speeches. This is because the students with autism are not able to control their basic emotions in speech production. This resulted in the conclusion, that students with autism utterances produced by the age of 18 years old has become a communicative speech, in which contained messages that could be understood by the other speaker even though the sentence is not complete.</p> Suhfi Albab Copyright (c) 2016 Suhfi Albab 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran dalam Discovery Learning dan Penguasaan Pilihan Kata Terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Cerita Pendek https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1457 <p>This study aims to determine the effect of instructional media (audio-visual and print) in discovery learning and mastery of word choice and whether there is an interaction effect between the two on the ability to write short stories. Instructional media used in this study is the instructional media audio-visual and learning media print in discovery learning. While the choice of words distinguished mastery over control over the choice of words high and low mastery of word choice. The method used is an experimental method using a 2x2 factorial design. Measurement variable short story writing skills is using written tests and mastery of word choice to use multiple-choice test. Data analysis techniques in this study is the technique of analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by two lanes and Tuckey test to see the group interaction. Prior to testing hypotheses, test requirements analysis is the normality test data using test Liliefors and homogeneity of variance test using test equality of two variances.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The results of this study can be summarized as follows:</p> <ol> <li>There is a learning media influence on the ability to write short stories. This can be seen from the sig. 007</li> <li>There is a media interaction effect of learning and mastery of word choice in the ability to write short stories. This can be seen from the sig. Fhitung 0.000 and 51.290.</li> <li>There is a mastery of word choice influence on the ability to write short stories with the audio-visual media group media group prints at high word selection capability. This can be seen from the sig value 0,000 smaller than the error level of 0.05.</li> <li>There is a mastery of word choice influence on the ability to write short stories with the audio-visual media group media group prints on the ability of wording low. This can be seen from the sig value 0,008 lower than the level of 0.05</li> </ol> <p>The results of this study are expected to be useful for the improvement of the learning process in the classroom to improve teaching skills; the teacher becomes a facilitator in the learning activities.</p> Diah Rahmadani Copyright (c) 2016 Diah Rahmadani 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Nilai Pendidikan Krakter dalam Cerita Legenda Masyarakat Terante https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1451 <p>The aim of this study. Expanding Legend Folklore in North Maluku. of the informen who many know as well mengiventarisasi existing text in the materials area and menerjemahkanya into Indonesian conduct structural analysis of the oral literature of Ternate which includes a storyline, the main character, characters, setting the background, mandate and values contained therein gives an overview and update of the value of oral literature Ternate useful for business coaching and development and teaching. Methods This study is a qualitative research technique anlisis contents, to achieve a maksut desired with respect to the scientific effort, then peneltiti and analyze storybook legend Society Ternate, and interviewed informen to obtain data and accurate description of informen who understand and know about Public legend Ternate, in addition to the researchers collected literature tentng reference value of character education to complement the text.character education</p> Agus Hi Jamal Copyright (c) 2016 Agus Hi Jamal 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Nilai Budaya dalam Novel "Assalamualaikum Beijing” Karya Asma Nadia sebagai Alternatif Pembelajaran Sastra di SMA/MA https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1449 <p>This research is aimed to find culture value from the novel entitled "Assalamualaikum Beijing” which wrote by Asma Nadia found on intrinsic element as well as ekstrinsic. To reach that goal, researcher used text in interpretation theory by the description method, the facts like the words in the quote and continued with the analyzing to give understanding and explanation. The research approach that is used based on the genetic structuralism a study about among the many factor relationship, built from intrinsic, extrinsic factor and the author. This research output show that the novel "Assalamu' alaikum Beijing” by Asma Nadia has a lot of culture value elements. That culture values are language, knowledge system, social organization, equipment life and technology system, the system of livelihood, religion system, and art. There is element of social organitations value in this novel but it's not knotted clearly. The developing of culture values by background, character, and language that are used in the story. Those culture values found on intrinsic element as well as novel ekstrinsic which is direct or indirect. <strong>"</strong>Assalamualaikum Beijing” novel can be implicated as one of alternative learning for literature in Senior High School level. The results of this study can be implicated as material for teaching literature ini Senior High School (SMA/MA).</p> Diyah Widi Hartati Copyright (c) 2016 Diyah Widi Hartati 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Nilai-nilai Budaya dalam Pantun Melayu Patani dan Implikasinya dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra di Tsanawiyah Patani https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1452 <p>This thesis is to find out the value of culture in Patani Melayu poem the name of book <em>"Bunga Rampai Sastra Melayu Patani Lama” </em>and it implication in language and literature learning at Tsanawiyah Patani. Method that used is describtive analysis method which be scribe about the object which analised through the data which have collected. And then the result of the research processed and analised to take the conclusion. The result of the research show that the poem book :<em>"Bunga Rampai Sastra Melayu Patani Lama” </em>includ many value of culture which must be example for the reader. The researcher can take te conclusion that the value of the culture in Patani Melayu poam examined base on six systems of cultures value which universal. There are technology system : productive tools which related to the work, weapon tools which be heirloom, and simple transportation. Economy system : job in agree culture, plantantion, commerce small company, islamic cooperation and fisherman. Social organization : Unity in family, unity out of family are unity in the society and nation, organization and structure of society. Knowledge system : knowledge about the nature around it, knowledge about substances and unripe matter and things in it environment, and the knowledge about characteristics and behavior in humanity. Art : building art which includ, art form which carved in the oldest mosque in Patani. Religion system : believe system, seremony of religion, and the mamber's of religious community. Implication the result of this research is language and literature learning at Tsanawiyah in Patani by using book's poem : <em>"Bunga Rampai Sastra Melayu Patani Lama” </em>as a learning saurce which potinced to produce the students to love, to presave, and to imitate. From this character's student there is hope to notion generation which good behavial to relize their identity which can bring the notion and religion to be better condition.</p> Aminoh Masoh Copyright (c) 2016 Aminoh Masoh 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia pada Komunitas Sekolah Rumah (Homeschooling) https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1450 <p>This thesis aims to gain an understanding the process of the Indonesian language learning in the homeschooling community Klub Oase. This is done by understanding the human aspect, the concept of learning, and the learning systems at Klub Oase. This research is classified in the type of descriptive qualitative&nbsp; study with ethnographic methods. Through this research, it is known that the Klub Oase is a family community that founded in the basis of a family friendship. Klub Oase trying to keep the identity of the community that is the hallmark of informality, which also became a counter model from the practice of homeschooling that is generally known to the public by learning patterns like formal and informal education. Most members of the Klub Oase agreed that children need a space to grow naturally. Education aims is understood as facilitating all childs potential not to drive the ability to incorporate various things that are considered important and determined by an adult. Most members of the Klub Oase tend to interpret the Indonesian language as a vehicle for social interaction, so that the learning process is done in an integrative manner, natural, and eclectic approach to develop skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through the project, presentations, discussions, games and more which optimize the use of information technology. For members of the Klub Oase, homeschooling children have the opportunity to explore the world around it, because the place to learn are not constrained by the bulkhead wall or a particular building. So that they can "learn anywhere, anytime, along with anyone with a happiness".</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Muhammad Siddiq Copyright (c) 2016 Muhammad Siddiq 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Citra Perempuan dalam Novel Burung-Burung Manyar Karya YB Mangunwijaya https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1445 <p>This reseach aims to identify and analyze the image of women contained in the novel The Birds Manyar works Mangunwijaya YB (Content Analysis Studies). The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method by content analysis. The object of this research is the novel The Birds Manyar YB work. Mangunwijaya. the focus of this study is the image of women contained in the novel The Birds Manyar YB work. Mangunwijaya. The instrument of this study is the researchers themselves assisted with analysis tables. data analysis conducted by researchers of reading the novel The Birds Manyar YB work. Mangunwijaya, analyzing aspects of the image of women, include the results of the analysis and concludes the analysis results. The image of women analyzed in this study are include (1) the image of women physically, (2) the image of women psychologically, (3) the image of women's role in the family, (4) the image of women's role in society. The results obtained from the analysis of data on novel birds Manyar YB work. Mangunwijaya said the image of women are physically the most prominent is the image of women that beautiful face, whereas the image of women psychologically is the most dominant image of the psyche of women as a human being who is passionate, he is spontaneous and impulsive, whereas the image of women's role in the family's most prominent is the image of women as mothers and educators of their children, and the image of women's role in society is the most prominent image of women who dare to fight for the principles and aspirations. This research has implications for literary appreciation learning in high schools, in particular on the intrinsic elements of the female characters in the novel, to increase knowledge and improve the ability of students to the literary appreciation of literature, especially the novel The Birds Manyar YB Mangunwijaya work It is concluded that the image of women that look the most dominant in Novel birds Manyar YB Mangunwijaya work is psychologically female image of women as a human being who is passionate , he is spontaneous and impulsive .</p> Zainun Nasichah Copyright (c) 2016 Zainun Nasichah 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Alih Kode dan Campur Kode pada Film Perempuan Berkalung Sorban Serta Implikasinya Terhadap Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Di SMK Negeri 18 Jakarta https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1444 <p>This study was aimed to gain data and comprehention of code switching and code mixing, moreover, it investigated why code switching amel code mixing accurared on the movice of perempuan berkalung sorban on the other hand, practicing in indonesian language learning implie that leterature appreciation is not simply abuot intrinsic extrinsiv element. The study was qualitative applying qualitative descriptive. The study analysed the mouve in order to comprehend why code switching and code mixing accured on the movie. The Results of research on code switching and code-mixing the movie&nbsp; perempuan&nbsp; Berkalung discovered in dialogues, moreover, the reason why code switching and code mixing occured was also found in the movie. The writer concluded that code switchingandcodemixing existed intheformofdialogues such as phrase and sentence in short, code switching and code mixing can be implemented in literartur study at school espeaully vocational school</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Wardah Hayati Copyright (c) 2016 Wardah Hayati 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Nilai Moral Dalam Novel Tanah Baru Tanah Air Kedua Kajian Struktural Genetik https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1443 <p>This aims of the Thesis is to know and to analyze the moral volues in <em>Tanah Baru Tanah Air Kedua </em>(<em>The New Land The Seond Homland</em>) novel by N.H Dini. The methods used in the research is Qualitative Desriftive Menthos content analysis by using Structural Studies of Genetik. The objet of the research is <em>Tanah Baru Tanah Air Kedua </em>(<em>The New Land The Seond Homland</em>) novel by N.H Dini. The fous of this research is the intrinsic elemen novel related with moral volue of <em>Tanah Baru Tanah Air Kedua </em>(<em>The New Land The Seond Homland</em>) novel by N.H Dini. The rearch imstrumen is the researchers assisted by analysis tables. Data analysis was reading Tanah baru Tanah Air Kedua by N.H Dini, the moral volues in <em>Tanah Baru Tanah Air Kedua </em>(<em>The New Land The Seond&nbsp; Homland</em>), included the results pf the analysis and concluded the results of analysis. The moral volues were analyzed in this research are : (1) the honesty, (2) the willingness to take responsibility, (3) the independence, (4) the courage, (5) the mondesty, (6) the religius. The result of the research obtained from the data analysis on novel by N.H Dini was the most promainent moral volue is the modesty though figures Samirin. It was reasonable beause according to the situation and conditions in&nbsp; the tranmigraton&nbsp; program. The situation and conditions in the tranmigraton program to have moral volues humility in order to live in peace and prosperity. This aresearch has implication for the study of literature in high schools, particulary on the intrinsic elements of characters Samirin in the novel, to broaden and improve the ability of students to the appreciation of literature, especially novel <em>Tanah Baru Tanah Air Kedua </em>(<em>The New Land The Seond Homland</em>) novel by N.H Dini.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Yuli Kurniasih Copyright (c) 2016 Yuli Kurniasih 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Nilai Sosial Dalam Novel Ayah Karya Andrea Hirata https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1463 <p>This thesis is aimed to know the social value on Novel Ayah written by Andrea Hirata (The Study of Dynamic structuralism). The method used is a qualitative descriptive method by describing social value analyzed by the content analysis technic of a novel Ayah written by Andrea Hirata. Social value is described according to dynamic structuralism approach . The social values among others ; the truth, moral and religious. The values in the quotation is attached to intrinsic elements in the theme, character, disposition, and background. The research can be concluded that social values in novel Ayah among others; the truth, moral, and religious. The velue frequency appears in novel Ayah is the truth velues. The most dominant of novel structure in the social values is the characteristic element. In education social values have the function as it containts social values connecting to dreamsor stimulus hope directing students how to think and act such as the guiding of deciding choice. The existence of literature can create interest, honest, emotional sensitivity and the knowledge of intelectual life for students. The social knowledge is expected to be able to help students in developing the knowledge and applying positive social value in life.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ciptaning Tyas Kusuma Dewi Copyright (c) 2016 Ciptaning Tyas Kusuma Dewi 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Pada Novel Pak Guru Karya Awang Surya https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1442 <p>This study aims to find the values of character education contained in the novel <em>Pak Guru </em>Awang Surya work associated with structural genetic studies. Research disclosure of the educational value of these characters using qualitative research content analysis techniques. For qualitative research, data taken from quotes novel formula <em>Pak Guru </em>Awang works Surya in paragraph form. Content analysis technique used to systematically analyze the data or contents as well as text messaging story. The value of character education in the novel <em>Pak Guru </em>Awang works Surya found as many as 67 paragraphs, or 76.13%, and that does not contain the value of character education there are 21 paragraphs, or 23.86%, of which the relationship to God as much as 4 paragraphs or 59.67%, the relationship of neighbor as much as 15 or 22.38%, the relationship with yourself as much as 34 paragraphs, or 50.74%, the relationship of the nationality as much as 4 or 59.67%, and the relationship to the environment as much as 10 or 14.92%. The value of character education appears most is the value of character education relationship to yourself with a percentage of 50.74% is thus novel <em>Pak Guru </em>Awang Surya work is much describes the value of character education in relation to ourselves whole chapters and paragraphs that have been reduced.</p> <p>&nbsp;values character education</p> Siti Nihla Izati Copyright (c) 2016 Siti Nihla Izati 2018-07-23 2018-07-23 2 Nilai-nilai Moral dalam Antologi Cerpen Filosofi Kopi karya Dewi Lestari https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/gradstac/article/view/1430 <p>The aim of this research is to identify and find the moral values that is contained in short story anthology book of Filosofi Kopi through the hermeneutic study and the implication in the study of literature appreciation in Senior High School. To reach the aim, the research use qualitative descriptive method through contain analysis, it is found that there are 7 aspects of positive moral values, they are: analysis based on moral values that reflect good attitude (1) Honest, (2) Responsible, (3) Loyal, (4) Polite, (5) Conscience, (6) Low Profile, (7) Consequence. The result of the whole research, there are 7 moral values&nbsp; both positive&nbsp; and negative in short anthology book Filosofi Kopi from Dewi Lestari, they are 1) Fourteen honest, 2) Thirty two responsible, 3) Thirty nine loyal, 4) Six polite, 5) Sixteen conscience, 6) Eight low profile, 7) Eighteen consequence. The implication of research result is the study of short story appreciation&nbsp;&nbsp; in the school by using some titles in a short anthology book Filosofi Kopi from Dewi Lestari as source of study that has a potential to obtain the students who&nbsp; have good moral values. Students who have good moral values can take the nation and the country will be better.</p> Yoma Elmikasari Copyright (c) 2016 Yoma Elmikasari 2018-07-13 2018-07-13 2